First Day

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Monday Morning

"Things change, rearrange and so do I

It ain't always for the better dawg I can't lie

I get high cause the lows can be so cold

I might bend a little bit but I don't fold

One time for my mind and two for yours

I got food for your thoughts to sooth your soul

If you see my tears fall just let me be

Move along, nothing to see"

I rolled over and turned off my alarm then sat up in bed. Today is my first day of work and I have to be there at 10:30. It's 8 now so I should have enough time. I got up out of bed, took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I hate this damn uniform, but I wear it cause I'm getting money, ya feel me. Once I was done, I walked to the kitchen to fix myself some cereal. After I was done, I put everything away, grabbed my keys and I was out the door.

"Hey Cocaine" I smiled as I climbed into my all white ranger rover.

Skips car ride

I rode the escalator to the second floor and walked into Footlocker.

"You must be Asia" A tall man said walking towards me, "I'm Aaron, I spoke to you a few days ago" we shook hands. (Aaron in MM)

"Yep the one and only Asia" I smiled.

"Since Monday's are usually slow, only you and my other worker Chris will be here until 8 tonight when the store closes. Chris is in the back right now. I'm sure he'll introduce himself once he comes out."

Once Aaron was done talking, I went to the front of the store waiting for a customer to come in. I decided to get on Instagram to pass time.

"What's your Instagram name ma?" Someone said in my ear.

"Shit" I jumped "Dude don't fucking do that, yo ass almost got punched" I said as I turned around to see a tall light skin guy with blonde hair and tattoos standing extremely close to me.

"Ummmm, could you back up" I said getting a little uncomfortable.

"My bad, I'm Chris by the way" He said as he walked towards the opposite end of the counter.

"I'm Asia" I said then I spotted a female walk into the store.

"I got it" Chris said.

"Nah, I got it, she bad as hell" I smirked and walked past him.

"Woah, wait a minute. You like females?" He asked.

"Nigga who don't" I flicked my tongue at him as I walked away.

Chris POV

Damn Asia was pretty as hell. And she like females?! Can you say threesome? Mmm hell yea. I watched her as she went over and talked to the girl that came in the store. She had her own type of "swag". She was different and I liked that. She didn't have to try to look good. Does she even wear make-up? I caught myself staring hard at her but I couldn't help it. She was so beautiful.

"Chris!" Asia said waving her hand in my face.


"Did you hear anything I just said?" She asked

"I was zoned out what you say?"

"I said I got her number nigga, the fuck you over here thinking about" she laughed and walked to the back.

"You'll find out sooner or later" I mumbled to myself as I went to help the other customers that walked in.

8:32pm Monday Night

(Still Chris POV)

"Asia, wait up!" I said loudly as I jogged through the parking deck to catch up with her. Working with her today showed me that she's a cool ass female and she funny as hell. That only made my attraction for her grow.

"Wassup?" she said once I got to her.

"Uh nothing, just wanted to walk you to your car" Damn was I getting nervous around this girl? I just met her. What the hell.

"Awwww, that's so sweet" she cooed

I chuckled "Yea, I guess but umm let me ask you something"

"What is it?" She raised her eyebrow leaning against what I'm guessing is her car.

"You should let me get your number" I smiled.

"Man hell naw" she laughed and went to unlock her doors.

I just stood there shocked, mouth open.

Asia came back laughing harder than before. "Close ya mouth, I was just joking" She handed me her phone.

"Ha, I knew that. Nobody can say no to all of this" referring to my body as I put my number in her phone and she did the same in mine.

"Riiiight. Have a goodnight Chris" she said as we exchanged phones.

"Goodnight ma" I walked to my car and pulled out after her then drove home.

What a day.

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