Meet up

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Chris POV

I sat there for a moment staring at Andrea.

"Have you ever answered my phone when Asia called?"

"Ummm." She paused "Yea. I think so. Why? What's wrong baby?"

"What did she say?"

She smacked her lips "I don't remember."

I nodded "Now I know you have been checking my mail for me since we been together. Where are the pictures that Asia sent?"

"I sent them back." She said with a straight face

"What the fuck do you mean you sent them back?!" I stood up

"Babe listen, I just felt like a child isn't something that you needed. Besides, you have me and I need your full attention and having a child would take your attention from me and I don't need that."

I couldn't believe what she just told me.

"You are a selfish bitch you know that. You are the reason why I missed basically 2 years of my daughter's life! I can't believe you."

"She'll be ok. She's been fine without you for this long."

"BIT- Andrea. We are done. I wish I never even fucked with someone like you. This relationship is over."

I left her sitting there as I walked out. I drove down to the beach and sat in my car. Andrea turned out to be a real grimey person. How could I not see it? She really fucked up my relationship. I have to fix it for good this time. I just hope Asia lets me.

The sun was starting to set. I decided to text Asia to see if I could come over. She gave me her address and I pulled off after putting it into the GPS.

I pulled into the driveway of a nice two story house.

"Damn, she doing it big I see."

I cut my car off and walked to the front door. I rang the doorbell and waited for her to come to the door.

Asia POV

"Mommy, mommy. Open!" Navaeah ran to the door. She tried to unlock it but she was too short.

"I got this, little girl." I picked her up and opened the door for Chris.

I shut the door behind him. Him and Navaeah stared at each other. She began to frown then turned to look at me.

"Mommy, him stop." She pointed to Chris

I laughed. "Stop staring Chris."

We walked into the living room, Navaeah sat on my lap. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"She's perfect." He said lowly

"Yea, she is." I ran my fingers through her hair. I put her down but she only stood in front of me.

"Come here." Chris motioned for her to come to him

She hesitated for a moment before she slowly walked to him. He picked her up and sat her on his lap. She was acting a little shy at first but that didn't last long. I watched as he played with her and she took him around the house. He's really good with her and I can tell she brings out another side of him.

"Can you say daddy?" Chris looked at Navaeah. He was now sitting on the floor and she was sitting in front of him. They were playing with her blocks.

"Daddy?" She scrunched up her face

Chris smiled and nodded "Yeah boo boo, I'm your daddy."

Navaeah looked at him then got up, walking over to me.

"Mommy?" She patted my leg "Him daddy?" She pointed to Chris

"Yes Vae. That's daddy." I smiled

"Daddy!" She ran over and jumped on Chris. "Luhs you" she kissed his cheek.

"I love you too babygirl." Chris hugged her

That was such a precious moment. I continued to watch them play together. Vae ended up falling asleep on Chris. I tried to get her so I could put her in her bed but he insisted on holding her.

Chris POV

She looked so peaceful as she slept. Spending time with her today has been priceless. I looked over at Asia, she was watching tv. I directed my attention back to Navaeah. I have to fix things between me and Asia. Not just for me but for Navaeah too.

"Is it ok if I stay here tonight?"

"Sure. There's a guest bedroom down here and one upstairs beside Vae's room." Asia answered but didn't take her eyes off of the tv.

"Cool." I decided to take Navaeah to her room and put her in her bed. I looked through the different rooms upstairs. Yea, I'm nosey. I walked into a bedroom, which I realized was Asia's once I seen her shirt on the floor. I looked around at the different pictures she had. I noticed she had 1 tucked behind a frame. I picked it up and smiled. It was a picture of me and her from when we first started dating. I'm surprised that she still has it. I continued looking through her room. I opened her top drawer. Examining the contents, my eyes landed on something red and lacey. Being curious, I pulled it out. It was a lingerie set. I smirked at the thoughts that came to mind.

"What are you doing?" Asia stood at the door with her arms folded

"Finding you something to put on. And look," I held up the set "I found the perfect thing."

"Ha ha, hell no." She snatched it from me. "Get out"

"Let me think." I tapped my chin "How about, no." I sat on her bed. "I'm sleeping with you."

"No you're not."

"Watch me." I pulled off everything but my boxers then got into her bed

"Seriously?" She looked at me

I smiled "Come on. I wont try anything, I promise."

She finally got into bed and we both fell sleep.

Asia POV

I woke up to Chris' arms wrapped around me. I can't lie and say I didn't miss this because I did. A few moments later I heard little feet running towards my room. Navaeah climbed onto the bed and crawled to the top.

"Daddy?" She laid on Chris

"Yes princess?"


"You want an apple?" He sat up

She nodded

My mouth fell open. "You switched sides already? I'm hurt." I fake pouted

"She's a daddy's girl." Chris kissed my cheek before going into the kitchen with Navaeah

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