I Bet

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Asia POV

Its been about a week since me and Chris had an actual convo. We've been having dry ass texts and I haven't seen him since last week.

He says he's not ready for a relationship, ha, and I thought I was the one with commitment issues. Oh well, I'm not gonna stress it


I'm currently getting dressed for this costume party Grace invited me to. I needed to get out of this apartment.

After I was fully dressed and satisfied with my look, I left. Once I arrived I went in and sat at the bar waiting for Grace.

"Asia?" Someone tapped my shoulder

I turned around and the person was one of my old high shool friends. "Jermaine (JCole)?!" I stood up and hugged him. "I haven't seen you in years. How you been?"

"I've been good. How long have you been in Cali?"

"A little over a year now"

"Oh. Ok. Sit down, let's catch up, i'll even buy you a drink"

Chris POV

"Thanks" I told some girl that gave me a dance as i walked back to the VIP area.

Since I got signed it seems like every female wants a piece of Breezy. I can't blame them tho, look at me.

"Ty, its some fine females in here tonight"

"Yeah man, I'm not tryna look too hard though. I know Grace around here somewhere and if she catch me looking she'll probably karate chop my neck or something"

I laughed at how serious he was. I sat here vibing to the music and sipping my drink.

"Aye bro" Tyga nudged my arm "Ain't that Asia over there at the bar? Who is that dude she talking to?"

I looked towards the bar and saw Asia laughing and talking to some dude. I would be lying if I said I didn't get mad. Who is this dude? Why is she talking to him?

"I don't know but i'm about to find out" I sat my drink down

"Wait a minute, you sure about that" Tyga grabbed my arm

I snatched my arm away and kept walking. I approached them and cleared my throat. "Wassup Asia"

Asia POV

Me and Jermaine's conversation got interrupted by Chris coming over.

"Can I help you?" I looked at Chris

"Yea, you can actually. Who is this?" He pointed to Jermaine

"Wait. You're in a relationship?" Jermanine asked

"Nope" I said popping the "P" looking directly at Chris

"Can we talk right quick. Privately" Chris asked

"Excuse me Jermaine. I'll be right back" I got up following Chris to a back room. "What is it? What you got to say?!" I asked getting irritated.

"First of all, lose the attitude. Second, who the fuck is that dude?!"

"Why does it matter? Last time I checked you weren't my boyfriend so I don't have to tell you shit" I was getting ready to walk out but he grabbed my arm

"Asia stop fucking with me. I'm being serious. Who is that dude?"

I let out a deep sigh "He's just a friend from high school and no I didn't come with him. Happy now?" I put on a fake smile. "Why do you care anyway? You aren't ready for a relationship, remember? So don't question me like we're together" And with that being said I walked out.

On my way back to the bar I ran into Grace. We went to the floor to dance since our song 'Fuck up some commas' by Future was playing.

Chris POV

I stood there for a moment. Asia's right, I hate to admit it but she is. It's true that I don't want a relationship because I love the single life, especially since I'm getting started in the music industry but I also don't want to see Asia with anyone else but me. If my homies can settle down maybe I can......


3:27 AM

I couldn't get Asia off of my mind. Seeing her with that dude really fucked with my head. What if I've lost my chance? I've been calling her since the party ended but she hasn't answered yet. I tried one last time and she finally answered...

Phone convo

Asia: Hello?

Me: You finally answered. What are you doing?

Asia: I'm trying to sleep. What is it Chris?

Me: I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted at the party. I just didn't know what to think or how to react to seeing you with someone else.

Asia: Really Chris.....You can't control what I do or who I see and still have hoes around. I'll talk to you later though. Bye.


I woke up to banging on my door. "who the fuck is that" I said to myself. I pulled on some shorts and went to answer the door. It was Tyga banging like the damn police.

"I should beat yo ass knocking like that" I closed the door after he came in.

"Blah, blah, blah, what you doing today?"

"Nothing that I know of. Why?"

"Wanna go to the studio?"

"I don't know. I'm not really in a studio mood"

"Wassup? Seein ya girl with dude fucked you up huh?" He laughed as he sat down

"Shut that shit up bruh. It's not even funny"

"You talked to her?"

"Yea, for a minute"

"You don't know it yet but shawty got you sprung. My nigga Chris in love" he patted my shoulder and laughed "But look, I gotta go. I'll hit you up later"

Ty let himself out and I stayed on the couch thinking about what he said. Me? In love? Hell nah. Im not in love....am I?

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