Old Friend

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Asia POV

I sat up in bed and looked at the clock. I didn't have to work today but I also didn't have anything to do, which sucks.

I got out of bed and went to take a shower and brush my teeth. After i was done i put my hair in a messy bun and went to find something to eat. I made myself some french toast, eggs and bacon. I sat in my living room while I ate. I was watching tv but my phone was going off like crazy. I rolled my eyes because I knew it was Chris. I've been ignoring him for the past couple days. I don't really want to talk to him. I'm trying to give him space so he can get his shit together. Asia will be nobody's hoe, thot, side bitch, none of that. I finished up my breakfast and put my plate in the sink. My phone was ringing once again. Without paying attention to who it was, I answered it.

Phone Convo

Me: What?!

Jermaine: Well hello to you too. I guess I called at a bad time.

Me: No, I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else. Wassup?

Jermaine: I just wanted to know If you wanted to hang out with me tonight?

Me: Sure. That'll be fine. I'll text you my address. Just let me know before you come.

Jermaine: Alright, I'll see you tonight. Bye

Me: Bye

As I hung up the phone, Grace walked into my apartment.

"Damn, no knock or nothing huh?"

"Why knock when I have a key?" She walked past me. "What are you doing today?"

"Nothing right now. I am going out later tho" I sat beside her

"Oooh so you and Chris worked things out huh. That's good. I'm glad ya'll are back on good terms now. Where is he taking you?"

"Well, I'm not talking to Chris right now. Jermaine is taking me out"

"Where is he taking you?"

"I don't know. He didn't say."

"Don't come home pregnant"

"Haha, very funny Grace. Me and Jermaine are just friends. That's it"

A couple hours went by as me and Grace sat there talking about any and everything. I looked at my phone and noticed that i had a text.

Jermaine (6:23pm): Be there by 8, dress casual, nothing fancy

Me (6:30 pm): Ok see you then

"So uh Grace, boo you ain't gotta go home but you gotta get the hell up out of here"

She gasped "You're kicking me out"

"Never that but come on you gotta go, I have to get myself ready and get dressed"

"Ok. I'll see you later. Have fun."

Once she left I went to go take another shower. I decided to straighten my hair, which would take a while but I tried to be ask quick as possible. As I got done with my last piece, I looked at the clock and it was 7:45. "Shit!" I cursed to myself. I ran to my closet looking through and throwing clothes everywhere. I decided to wear a white crop top, red bandana joggers and some white air forces. I finished just in time. As I walked out of my bedroom there was a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I yelled

I opened the door and Jermaine was standing on the other side.

"You ready?" He asked

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