We Meet Again

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Three days later

Asia POV

I got out of bed to do my daily hygiene. I didn't have to work today so I just put on something simple. Don't let my tom boyish ways fool you, I can switch it up at any moment. I don't label myself, I just wear what's comfortable to me. Once finished I headed to the kitchen to find something to eat.

After eating some bacon and eggs, I went to my living room to watch TV for a little while. After a couple minutes my phone began to vibrate, it was a text from my best friend so I unlocked my phone and answered it:

Text convo

Grace: Hey Asia

Me: Wassup

Grace: Nothing much, what you doing today? I want you to meet my boyfriend if you aren't busy.

Me: I don't want to meet another one of ya little dusty boyfriends.

I laughed to myself as I sent the message.

Grace: Ha Ha, very funny Asia, just bring ya ass. 

Me: Well damn, alright then

I locked my phone and headed out

20 minutes later

I arrived at Grace Boyfriend's house. It was big as hell. I walked up the steps and rang the doorbell.

"Coming!" a familiar voice yelled and then a shirtless Chris opened the door. Oh my damn.

Chris POV

"Coming!" I yelled when I heard the doorbell. I opened the door to see.....Asia?

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I could ask you the same thing"

"Ooooh I get it. You wanted to see papi Chris" I smirked

"Nigga you wish. Where's Grace?" she asked walking past me.

I closed the door and walked behind her "Grace? She's in the living room but how do you know her?"

"She's my best friend duh"

I walked behind Asia as she went into the living room. I wonder is this the friend Grace told me about that wasn't into dudes? If so, I can fix that, I laughed to myself.

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