A reason to live

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Kara found herself once more in the bar she arrived in this morning, instead of it being nearly empty this time it was filled with patrons. She ignored the odd looks she received and went straight to the bar, thankfully it wasn't the girl from this morning tending, she didn't think she had the energy to deal with a nosy barmaid. When her drink reached her hand she downed it before ordering another.

Her enjoyment in the wonder of liquor came to an abrupt end when she heard a voice she last heard a hundred years ago. She ignored it at first , if he was back from the dead like so many of the ghosts she couldn't bring herself to care.

"Kara Mikaelson! As I live and breath.Never thought I'd see you on this side of the Mississippi ever again" Kara side eyed the man.

She gave his group of idiots a once over too before settling her gaze back to the front of the bar, she sipped her sixth drink.

"Marcellus, the last time I saw you I believed you dead at Mikaels hand."

Marcel laughed "Well I'm not, when you all left this city I raised it from the ashes and became its king" His laughter was joined by the rest of his mates.

Her gaze dropped to the brown liquor swirling in her glass."An unwanted bastard down on his luck has now become king of the city I built? Well I suppose I've already witnessed one miracle nothing too surprising about witnessing another" she remarked drily. A slight twitch of her lips was the only sign of her enjoying the slight anger crossing the man's face.

"What are you doing here? I've seen not only Klaus but Elijah as well. Don't tell me there was a family reunion and no one told me?"

Kára rolled her eyes "Family reunion? No, I'm simply enjoying my home, there's no reason for me not to isn't there? I was queen.. at a time where werewolves, witches and vampires got over their differences and was able to enjoy everything the quarter had to offer.." she paused finished her drink before turning to face him "But.. now it's become nothing but a husk of its former self.. tell me Marcellus how do you manage to keep an eye on every witch? Surely it's no artifact? None could be strong enough to detect magic use everywhere."

Marcel pursed his lips "You know you and Klaus are the same, always asking questions. How I control the witches is my business, you want to pass through? Sure.You want to stay a while? By all means.. what's mine is yours but it is mine..! My home, my family , my rules "

Kára tilted her head in amusement, "Yes and suppose someone breaks the rules?"

Marcel narrowed his eyes "They die. Mercy is for the weak. You and Klaus taught me that valuable lesson when you left me burning in the city a hundred years ago. I'm the king. Show some respect."

She snorted drily before flashing the closest vampire , her hybrid face came forth, before biting into his neck — her mouth covered in blood. She smiled evilly "Well.. I broke the rules. Tell me Marcellus whatever will you do now? Kill me? I think not, I am the first original hybrid, my very name makes people tremble in fear.." she ignored the vampires around her gearing up to kill her or try to atleast "Tell me king what will you do now? He will die by morning, a slow and painful death I'm told.."

Marcel grit his teeth "What do you want?"

Kara smiled "There.. we go." She paused inches from his face, "I want the witch you killed for using magic, her body is necessary in uncovering a plot you see.. give me what I want and you won't have a few more vampires this night"

Marcel noticed a few of his men tense "What will do after I tell you?"

Kara shrugged , taking a handkerchief from her pocket wiping her mouth clear of blood "Well I suppose it depends .. shall I give into nostalgia and remain a while? Or will I return this city to ashes once more in my leave.. it's all rather dependent on how I feel." She paused thoughtfully "Though Marcellus this time you won't rise from the ashes.."

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