I truly pity you..

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With Elijah.

Hours passed as he searched for Hayley, when he finally stumbled across her , she looked worn and ready to kill him.

"Hayley." He said calming her down with his hand up in a defensive measure. "We've been searching for you for hours.. are you alright?" He asked looking her over, he noticed dry blood on her forehead, she still watched him with a wary gaze as he stepped forward.

"I'm fine.." she muttered dropping the branch in her hand.

"You're not fine, you're bleeding" He said taking the handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood from her forehead but was surprised the cut already healed.

"You're healed? Werewolf healing doesn't work that fast" he said matter of factly.

Hayley tugged her shirt and stepped away from the originals reach "It's seems beside my baby being a miracle, she's also a hybrid and so she can heal me.." she paused licking her lips.

"What is it? Who took you anyway?"

Hayley scoffed in irritation "Tyler fucking Lockwood, he tried killing my baby saying that it would be used to create more hybrids. Of course I believed him to be bat shit crazy at first but then he proved it, and yeah.. my baby .. my unborn daughter can make hybrids." She said quietly. Her eyes pricked with tears "That's why she cares so much isn't it? Because this child will be able to offer her more power to take back this city.."

Elijah's eyes widened in disbelief "What? You believe my sister was aware that your daughter was able to sire hybrids? And she's going to what?"

Hayley was so lost in her own anger and betrayal she no longer listened "It's true! She didn't care , she's never cared! Before this she wanted nothing to do with me or my daughter. She told Sophie to bloody kill me and get it over with."

"Hayley you need to calm down, your stressing which means you could be putting your daughter in distress." He said trying to remain calm. He wasn't sure, he didn't entirely think that was the case but after years of indifference his sisters interest was renewed , but ..

"Did you know? Did you know that I'm essentially carrying a hybrid making baby?"

Elijah pursed his lips "No, I was not aware . Look we need to get you back to the plantation, Kara has been worried." That was the wrong thing to say especially when Hayley's face darkened.


"No don't defend her, she's no different then Klaus, plots and manipulations seems to run in the family. Taking back the city was never for our daughter but to gain more power." Elijah said nothing, he didn't think anything he said would get through to the hysterical woman.

Hormones in addition to being threatened, kidnapped and placed in a life threatening situation would cause her to lose her grip on reason. When they stepped out of the forest they came about a cabin.. he was about to send his sister a text message when she came strolling through the woods with blood covering her hands.

"What happened to you brother? Why do you look like you've eaten a lemon?" Asked Kara with a raised brow.

Elijah put on a polite smile "I could ask the same, it seems you've found Mr Lockwood?"

Kara hummed "Yes his indisposed at the moment, he'll carry a reminder of my mercy.. when he wakes." Her gaze fell onto Hayley. "I suspect you tired of this ordeal?"

Hayley's scoffed folding her arms across her chest "Did you know? Is that the reason you've been so caring towards me?"

Kara's face scrunched up in confusion before realization dawned "That our daughter could create hybrids? Fantastic isn't it?" She chirped with a grin.

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