A misconception..

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After sharing a few more drinks with her younger brother she made her way upstairs. She needed rest, the day wore on her more than she'd like to admit.
Her sister seemed to be ready to leave, after ensuring Elijah was back there was apparently no reason for her to stay. Kara wanted to protest but her sister had too long been under Klaus's thumb and she graciously accepted the goodbye.

She licked her lips, things were starting to heat up in the quarter even if Klaus was unaware of it. It was clear Marcel suspected something and the piss poor spy he had working for him, was rather sad and not up to standard. Compelled or not the boy would make a mess out of things. She only hoped he didn't , not yet at least.

She passed Hayley's room, the door was partially open and she was able to see the sleeping wolf, her gaze remained on the girl a while longer before quietly slipping into the room.
Thankfully the air-con was replaced, this bloody place was like a sauna at times.

She knew opening up to Hayley would only invite pain.. if the woman ever hurt her. But this wasn't any girl, or a simple girl she picked up at a bar and forgot the following morning.

She sat on the edge of the bed, brushing away the errant strands of hair in her face. Hayley was gorgeous, stunning. Her high cheekbones, supple lips, her forest green eyes were one of the reasons she accepted that offer all that time ago.

She breathed softly, her gaze dropped to the small protruding belly, a small smile made its way to her face. Yes Hayley was different, she was carrying her child, a child that could possibly bring her a bigger purpose.. one she would never turn her back on. She would never become the parents she had, never would she allow her daughter to know Mikaels particular brand of parenting, nor her mothers .. She closed her eyes and focused of the small beating heart thudding in her ears. Her eyes prickled with tears, an innocent soul, yes.. she could only pray she would not taint it with darkness.

Deciding she spent enough intruding on the little wolf , she allowed her eyes to take on the simplistic beauty once more and gave into impulse. She placed a soft kiss dangerously close to the edge of Hayley's lips. "Sleep well little wolf.."

When she left the room and shut the door , she was met with Rebekah's smile. One that showed warmth and fondness. "she likes you too you know"

Kara rolled her eyes "I believed you were leaving sister, not peeking in on me."

Rebekah chuckled softly "Well, I will be leaving tomorrow morning, Elijah's back home, you've got Klaus and him to help you protect Hayley and your daughter.. that's enough man power in my opinion."

Kara frowned unhappily"You know I do not wish you to leave sister" she started but sighed in resignation"But I understand why, for centuries you've never had the chance to live for you and you only.. that's partly my fault for never stopping Niklaus when he went too far. I am sorry"

Rebekah's eyes widened "Why now?"

Kara chuckled wryly and shrugged "I just realized being a mother..will need me to mend broken fences, heal old wounds.

That and I dreamed of Heinrik.. I always believed keeping his memory alive included being alone, never allowing anyone in.. but I suppose that's not the case. You're my little sister, the only one I've got. I do not wish to show my daughter that backstabbing and violence is the way of the Mikalesons..

Always and Forever was supposed to be a vow of love, protection and loyalty.

Instead it turned into a curse, a hefty burden to carry.." she sighed shaking her head "Just know that you're always welcome Rebekah, wherever I am, my home will be yours .. so be free , and rediscover who you are without any threat of being daggered hanging over you."

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