A prophecy..

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Hayley felt slightly uncomfortable being driven by these two men.

She had so many questions, questions she didn't think would be answered but the look on the one man's face was rather disconcerting— he seemed much to happy and silly to be a hybrid or someone you could take seriously .
When they arrived at the bayou she led them to the cabin where she met Eve.

"You don't have to follow me you know" she commented lightly standing on the porch waiting for the woman to arrive.

Kevin hummed under his breath while Clarke kept watching the surroundings. "Can't leave you alone bosses orders." He added and nudged Clarke gesturing his head to the underbrush.

"Yeah.. I heard it too" confirmed Clarke.

Hayley stared confused "Heard what." Before either could answer her question , a blob of blonde hair appeared. With a crossbow strapped to her arm pointing it to the two men.

"Eve! It's alright don't shoot" said Hayley quickly.

The woman lowered her crossbow when she recognized the man she met yesterday watching over Hayley. "What are you doing here Hayley?"

Hayley stared at the two men before her gaze flitted to Eve "We've come give a warning. Kara's taken over the quarter and she's willing to allow werewolves back but some of the vampires still follows Marcel's orders. She's concerned they'll use this as a chance to hunt the rest of the wolves in the bayou."

Eve pursed her lips. "What about them? They're half vampire"

Kevin shrugged as did Clarke "Look we're not here to hurt anyone, besides before we became hybrids we were just werewolves too. My alpha asked us to escort Hayley and we've done this. It's up to you whether you want to keep your people safe or not."

A moments indecision flickered across the woman's face before keeping her people safe"Fine follow me."


Back in the Quarter Kara was dealing with Marcel and her brother Klaus.

She wasn't entirely thrilled with still having him lurk in her home but she allowed it until she had full control over these vampires.

"The humans have called a meeting, not all of them are excited with the new status quo."

Kara raised a brow nonplussed, of course they'd be naysayers "How unfortunate for them" she commented checking her phone for updates.

Marcel groaned in frustration "Look, it's your show now but if you want things to run smooth a little diplomacy never killed anyone."

Kara hummed "I beg to differ, diplomacy has never been as clean cut as you believe it is. I'm afraid these humans believe they have power over us. Well of course they don't. Niklaus would you like to deal with them? Or shall I ?"

Klaus smirked "Mm well I always liked these diplomatic meetings, am I to make an example or two?"

Kara shrugged "The leaders of these factions need to understand that while they may represent their people — they have a voice yes but they'll not command me, else I'll bleed them all dry and compel them into obedience as simple as that."

"Now there's also the matter of Davina" Kara raised her brow and noticed Marcel's tight expression.

"What about her brother? I've made it clear her days are numbered but the way the witches are acting and what they've done I hesitate on offering them a little help.

Leave the girl, I don't particularly care about her talents." She stood to her feet when she read the message from her brother surprisingly.

"What?" The confusion from Marcel made her roll her eyes

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