Tell me everything!

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Hayley leaned over the balcony watching Kara speak to her hybrids, the day had started fairly normal, the events of last night still played in her head, not only the outcome of the ritual but also what she did to Kara last night.

She was entirely sure the woman was frustrated but she did hear her laugh outside the door— she guessed that was a good sign. She was about to turn away from the sight but her gaze slightly narrowed when that witch; Claire strolled up to Kara. The woman touched the hybrid rather freely and from the looks of it Kara didn't mind. Her jaw clenched , as jealousy started roiling in her gut. She was so lost on the sight before her she failed to notice Rebekah sidling up beside her.

"If you stare any harder you might burn a hole through the poor girl Hayley."

Rebekah's voice brought Hayley out to her stare down , she tried scoffing casually "I was not staring at her" she denied
, though from the look on Rebekah's face it was clear that the original didn't believe her.

"Hayley, I'm well aware of your feelings for my sister" she started "It's quite obvious. You like her and she likes you. You've spent a lot of time together and you are expecting her child.." she said with a small smile "Besides I think you're good for her.."

Hayley opened her mouth but found no reason to deny it, after all they had gone on a very public date and Kara did not hide her affection, in fact Kara was always touching her .. "fine.. yes I like your sister.. actually I don't think like is the right word to describe my growing feelings towards her." She whispered quietly hoping that Kara wouldn't hear the confession.

Rebekah nodded understandingly "she's always been able to capture the most beautiful women for all her indifference— I believe Kol was rather jealous of her ability too." With a nostalgic smile.

Hayley rolled her eyes "Well she clearly doesn't have a problem with that girl all over her" she gestured with her head at the witch practically hanging off Kara.

Rebekah snorted in amusement "Please Claire is gorgeous but my sister is not interested.. anyway you shouldn't be jealous."

Hayley sighed "I guess you're right.. have you been making any progress with finding out where the magic has gone?"

Rebekah face scrunched up in annoyance"none, without knowing what or who we're looking for we're coming up empty. Nik's been out all morning searching for clues, Elijah as well—" Rebekah was interrupted when her sister called her


Rebekah offered Hayley a smile before heading off to her sister. Kara noticed Hayley and offered a small smile to the werewolf and a wink before her face quickly devolved into one of seriousness .

"I'm planning on letting Thierry free of the garden, I suppose he should be allowed his freedom since our brothers schemes brought his girlfriend to an early grave. That being said. I don't trust him and so I'm leaving him in your capable hands. Try and find out more information about the coven and it's people.. he dated a witch so he'll know more than the vampires."

Rebekah eyes widened slightly "You're trusting me with this?"

Kara shrugged "You apologized for your betrayal and this is me showing you that I will offer you the trust back, we need to work together Rebekah. Like I said if you have a grievance with me , come to me, if you have a problem with Niklaus or if he tries to bully you in any way— tell me so that I can give him a good blow against his head. This isn't the time to be fighting amongst family."

Rebekah smiled slightly "Well then thank you."

Kara squeezed her sisters shoulder affectionately "I know you'll not disappoint me, also stay safe."

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