Complete the harvest

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The compound had been quiet since the events of last night, Kara was happy to report her brother was staying out of her way. She didn't need to see his face when she was dealing with settling her people and finding the vampire responsible for ordering this hits on Hayley's pack.

She was sitting in her private study going through one of her kols spell books he collected over the years, searching for the specific spell that could bring him back. So far she'd come empty. She wanted to ignore the knock on the door but unfortunately the person was rather persistent . She muttered a soft come in.

"Rebekah are you here to chastise me again ?" She asked without looking up from the current page she was reading.

"No.. I'm here to apologize." Kara's gaze lifted from the book up to the blonde original. She was half surprised Rebekah would even admit to her faults, the woman was as stubborn as Niklaus was diabolical.

"I see.." she replied allowing her surprise to bleed into her tone "Why?" She asked with a hint of suspicion

Rebekah fell onto the sofa "I've thought about my actions, and what you've said. I think I chose to believe Elijah over you because he never made a secret of his affection and love toward me.. even if he often chooses to side with Klaus. He's always fought for me..-""

Kara set the book down and grabbed her glass of liquor "More than I ever have?" She asked with raised brow "well I suppose I understand but do you understand what your betrayal could've cost us?"

Rebekah turned her gaze away, ashamed "Yes.."

Kara nodded satisfied "I'm happy you realize you've put my daughter at risk Rebekah. But I don't want there to be a second time .. I'll forgive you but the next time you have a problem with me? Just take it out on me, I will not deny you a hearing, I'm not the easiest person I understand that but I'm attempting to change.." she paused "as you can see.. I'm trying to open myself more but it's not something that will happen over night especially because I've experienced this family for a thousand years.. I've come to expect pain, anger , mistrust .. trusting you all again.. Is difficult ."

"What about Hayley? You seem to trust her an awful lot and you haven't even known her for so long" jealousy coated the question and Kara fought herself not to react to it negatively.

"I do.. trust her. She's carrying our child. She merits my trust. But it's also because Hayley has not known me for a thousand years. Elijah has , he's known of my absolute hate of those who abuses children and woman. He's seen it, yet he was quick to condemn me when a stranger said I'd use my daughter as a weapon. That's what hurts. He has known and loved me for a thousand years but the word of Tyler Lockwood was enough to have him condemn me.." she shook her head "I've gotten over it, truly I have. Because I've come to realize what everyone thinks are of no consequence. As long as my daughter and Hayley knows I will do everything in my power to have our daughter never know a single sliver of pain. I'm satisfied."

Rebekah shook her head in mild disbelief "You truly love her don't you?"

Kara raised a brow "Who? My daughter? Of course I do."

Rebekah chuckled slightly amused that her sister was so blind to her feelings "No.. not —"" her sentence was interrupted by the compound shaking, the bookcases rattled against the walls and Kara wasted no time to go to Hayley. When she arrived the werewolf was holding onto a wall.

Kara quickly held her when the shaking stopped "are you okay ? You didn't fall ?"

Hayley shook her head "No.. I'm fine.." she reassured the worried hybrid " but what was that? I didn't know New Orleans experienced earthquakes?"

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