You live on my mercy..

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In a thousand years many things start to blur together, days become weeks, weeks become months and months years and before you realize it you're already a thousand years old.

You expect betrayals, enemies to line up their shot ready to utterly destroy you and all you hold dear. It's happened in the past, it happened a hundred years ago and once more a member that was taken into the family rears once more his ugly head.

Kara searched the crowd, her eyes finding the darkness rather unsettling but the sound of Hayley's voice led her to the werewolf not without consequence.. a few snapped necks later and she found the raging heart beat of the woman she loved, when the lights were switched on once more, the fear of possibly losing Hayley and her child exceeded any need for subtlety and appearances instead she gathered the werewolf in her arms,

"Thank god you're alright" she whispered, not noticing a certain pair of furious green eyes on her. Instead her baby blues were solely focused on the woman before her.

"I'm okay.. I was just knocked over" said Hayley, trying to ease her raging heart. "What happened?"

Kara's jaw tightened, her eyes going to the writing on the wall. 'There will be no peace' she felt rage and anger boiling — not only toward these vampires that attacked but the reason behind the attack.

"Marcellus" she grit through her teeth.

Hayley cupped Kara's tense jaw "Kara.. I need you to calm down" she whispered quietly

Kara glared but her gaze softened when she noticed Hayley's concerned eyes "He was the cause of this Hayley, he is the reason you could've been badly hurt" she muttered harshly.

Hayley nodded not arguing against the fact "Yes.. but acting rashly will only worsen things, you know that as well as I do"

Kara simply nodded allowing Hayley's forest green eyes to calm her raging temper "Let me take you back to the bayou, I don't trust anyone to do it but me"

An adorable smile curled up Hayley's lips "Thank you"

The soon to be parents far too lost in each other's eyes to notice the furious gaze of certain witch, that would need to push her plans if she wished to rid herself of the problem that laid before her.

But Kara knew none of this instead she nodded to her brothers and lead Hayley from the failure of a party.

When they reached her car and opened the door and settled Hayley inside before taking her own and driving toward the bayou. "I don't think I complimented how good you look in a tux Kara"

Kara side eyed Hayley for a moment before chuckling "Yes well Elijah insisted if I was not to wear a dress then I should wear a tux instead.

It was rather overly exaggerated argument to be honest. But Klaus was grumbling as well — so I suppose it worked out well"

Hayley laughed softly "Well Elijah is the pinnacle of well dressed, I haven't seen you in anything but casual clothes, a jeans, heels, shirts.. or coats. Other than tonight of course."

Kara smiled "I'm happy you enjoyed it, it's rare but I do enjoy dressing up if it's a good occasion, though I don't have any words for you" she commented "You look .. well I don't think there's good enough adjective in the English language to describe how amazing you look."

When they arrived at the bayou, Hayley didn't make a move to leave the car instead they simply enjoyed the comfortable silence between them. Kara licked her lips and clasped Hayley's hand in hers, she laid soft kiss on it before reaching the inside of her wrist. "I got you something" she said softly and reached into her pocket with the other hand.

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