From the cradle to the grave

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Kara leaned against the door panel, watching Hayley rock back and forth in the rocking chair writing on a piece of paper.

She cleared her throat sporting a small smile "Writing love letters to all those who wish to take your hand love?" She teased "hmm is it Elijah? Or maybe Jackson?"

Hayley scoffed as Kara walked closer "perhaps me? Your one true love?" She said kissing the wolfs lips softly

"You're an ass" muttered Hayley's against Kara's lips "and the award for the biggest ego goes to?" She trailed off with a teasing smile but her smile quickly vanished when she groaned "oh"

Kara kneeled down immediately "Are you okay?" Their playful banter forgotten.

Hayley out her hand to her stomach and smiled softly "It seems our daughter wants to contribute to the conversation.." she said taking Kara's hand and placing it on her belly.

The hybrids eyes lit up "Oh..would you look at that, our littlest wolf has quite the bit to say huh?"

Hayley smiled and laughed softly "She does, seems like she's just as fierce as both her moms.." she whispered "I love you"

Kara kissed her belly and kissed her softly "As I love you both, always and forever..".


Dear Zoe...or Kaitlyn...or Angela. To my little girl. Your mama just asked if this was a love letter. I guess it kind of is. I never got to know my mother. I have no idea what she must have thought when she carried me

Hayley screamed trying to get rid of the witches "Ahh let go of me you crazy bitch!"

So, I thought I'd write to you, so you can know how happy I am at this very moment. How much your mama and I can't wait to meet you...

Kara grit her teeth fighting the magical telekinesis with every bit of strength she could muster, she fell to the ground and ripped one of the witch guards heads off, and lunges at the harvest girl but Monique and Abigail throws her once more against the wall with stronger spell.

And, I want to make you a promise of three things that you will have that I never did: a safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you, no matter what.

Kara roared in anger trying to once again free herself from the spell as she did before but it's no use, Abigail and Monique anchored the spell and went back to Hayley.

In other words, a family. So, there you go, baby girl. The rest, we're going to have to figure out together. I love you. Your mom.

Kara and Hayley watched fearfully as Cassandra grabbed the ceremonial athame that was used for the harvest..Kara screamed in agony and terror , while Hayley matched hers.

Cassandra glanced at Hayley and Kara , seemingly apologetic "You should both know that this brings me know pleasure, let's begin"


St Anne's

Kara screamed angrily "I will bring hell to your families!!"

Cassandra ignores her and continues delivering the baby.

"I will bathe in the rivers of your blood!!! You will all die screaming!" None of her threats were listened to the witches were too fixated on the baby.

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