To the wars to come II

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Kara stepped into another room, she scattered her hybrids around the compound, she didn't want any surprise attacks from Marcel especially with such a delicate spell taking place.

"I trust you're ready ?" She asked looking at Cassandra's

Cassandra stared at her a moment before nodding "The last ingredient is a bit personal."

Kara frowned "And what would that be?"

Cassandra licked her lips "I need the blood of werewolf that doesn't turn on a full moon, my first thoughts were Hayley—""

Kara scoffed "Out of the question, I'd just as limit my fiancé to the side effects of  Witchery " she denied immediately

Casandra nodded "Yes well there is your brother as well?"

Kara shook her head "This is for my daughter, my brother has done enough. So you'll take my blood." She said holding out her hand as Cassandra reached out with the blade "And remember Cassandra if you fail or try something I'll quickly forget that I ever cared for you and I will end you faster than the ancestors can" she said coldly.

Cassandra smiled weakly "You say the most romantic things"

Kara glared but said nothing as Cassandra sliced into her palm.Her blood dripped over the stone and hissed when Cassandra started chanting the necessary incantation.

The room was soon filled with Hayley , Elijah and klaus all their eyes were on Cassandra as she incanted the chant over and over again.

"Boss!" She turned to see Kevin at the door , his face settled into one of frustration.

"What is it?"

"Our contacts say your boy Marcel is on the move, with a hundred vampires— heading straight here."

Kara grit her teeth "Hayley I need you to leave with Lara , she'll take you to the safe house"

Hayley shook her head "No, I need to stay with her" she pointed to Cassandra "And besides if I'm in the compound you can protect me better"

Kara stared at her wanting to disagree but Francesca intervened "She can stay with my body guards, I don't think they're any match for vampires."

Kara sighed angrily and pulled Hayley into a deep kiss "Keep yourself and our daughter safe" she said and went to leave but Hayley gripped her arm.

"You as well, and don't hold back.." said Hayley

Kara smirked her eyes changed , her hybrid visage coming to the forefront, her violet gaze burned with murder " Oh trust me little wolf I never planned on it."



Kara strolled through the courtyard with her brothers at her side, she tossed her jacket to one side as the courtyard filled with vampires, some of her hybrids were scattered readying themselves for a fight. She stared at the instigator, her smirk vanished replaced with righteous anger.

"Marcellus.. show your yourself" she said loud enough when the vampire appeared. His chest puffed ready for everything that may come.

"I'll give you one last offer, pack your bags and get the hell out of my town!" He spat

Kara raised a brow "Two things" she said calmly before blurring to the closest vampire and ripping his heart from his chest and dropped it for the floor "I don't take kindly to being given ultimatums." She said and blurred to him gripping his throat "and I second I will enjoy ending you.." she said blurring away with him leaving the rest to her brothers and hybrids.

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