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That's all she felt the longer she watched Cassandra work on Hayley, muttering some spell in French and creole. Every second felt like her heart was slowly shattering into a million pieces. She couldn't loose Hayley, she couldn't lose their daughter.

A chair was thrown across the room in a fit of anger, she glared at Cassandra "I swear to god if she dies, every single witch in your coven will die, I will string them up and bleed them while the scream for mercy!" She spat, her eyes flickering between blue and violet.

"Sister!" She looked at Klaus, but soon anger gave way to grief, it felt as if her own heart was being pulled from her chest.

"I can't.. I can't lose either of them Niklaus." She whispered brokenly..

Klaus had seen his sister in situations, the hardest but never since the loss of Heinrich had he seen her this broken.

He gathered her into his arms hugging her tightly, "you won't.. you won't.. I swear Kara ."

They say fear is nothing but an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming our fears, we move forward, we build, we create, we better ourselves..

And yet the longer she watched Hayley lying still on the table. Fear wasn't solely an obstacle to be overcome, no in a world of survival of the fittest, she often found herself on top of the food chain but right now she felt nothing like the alpha she was, nor did she feel like the indestructible hybrid, instead she felt like the little scared girl huddling in the corner, hiding from her abusive step father. Shedding silent tears as he once more took her deep into the woods, for a lesson..

She stepped closer to the witch working, but her hands caressed Hayley's cold jaw "Come back to me little wolf.." she whispered "I can't.. I can't do this without you"


"The times I've felt an all encompassing fear I can count on one hand.

The times I felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest I could too count on one hand. Those moments never happened together. And yet.." she paused staring at Hayley sitting on the bed. "And yet when I saw you lying there, cold, with no heart beat.. everything that I was, that I am came crashing down.. suddenly I was no longer the strongest hybrid there ever was , nor was I Un-killable. I suppose the closest comparison I could make is that I felt mortal, so very mortal, weak, powerless and hopeless.." she stopped and kneeled down before Hayley. "You have a power over me... a power that no one has ever had.." she whispered, as tears rolled down her cheeks "I cannot lose you."

Hayley cupped the broken hybrids face in her hands "You won't,I'm sorry about today but you won't lose me."

Kara reached into her pocket and pulled a purple small square velvet box "Marry me"

Hayley stared back in surprise , her eyes watered with tears "You didn't even take me on a second date and here you are proposing?" She teased thickly.

Kara smiled slightly "I'll take you on as many dates as you want, I'll take you to every single country this world has, I'll take you anywhere you wish. I'll shower you with a thousand gifts , each of reminder of the many things I love about you.." she licked her lips "Say you'll be my wife and we'll raise our daughter in a family, a loving family one we never truly had."She whispered.

"You're not just asking me because you feared I wouldn't live to see past today?" Asked Hayley insecurely.

Kara shook her head "No, well yes I was scared but I was planning to ask you somewhere romantic, maybe on the gorgeous white beaches of Spain.. but we're not in Spain, we're here in New Orleans, the one place I found a true home in and now after a hundred years I want to build a new one, one where you and I raise our daughter together."

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