Lets hope you dont rise again..

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The day went from bad to worse, the earthquakes gave way to violent winds, winds that sent every window in the compound rattling, Davina was slowly worsening and not even the morphine was enough to ease the witches pain.

Kara had been in and out of the compound the entire day dealing with the humans and the rest of the supernatural factions. She hoped with Celeste's bones consecrated they'd end this episode of world ending magical disasters. It was almost biblical truly.

She sighed as she shut the doors of the compound , she looked a state, it was starting to pour outside and she needed a warm shower unfortunately that was disrupted when her brothers appeared each wearing a grievous look.

"What now?" She asked bluntly, not in the mood to deal with any beating around the bush.

"Good news is that we've found Celeste's remains.." started Elijah slightly sad

Klaus nodded "and the bad news is that there was no magic to be had , meaning Sophie does not have the magic to continue or finish the ritual."

Kara grit her teeth, she rubbed her face "We're up to the third sign, this rain will only worsen until fire comes." She whispered more to herself "We need to find another witch and I —

"Well about that.." Kara frowned at being interrupted but allowed Elijah to continue "our brother has been hoarding our mother in a very nice coffin in the basement.."

Kara almost burst out in sardonical laughter "You want to use that wretched excuse for a human being?"

Elijah shrugged and offered his sister a drink "Listen .. we'll bury her at the plantation home that way any and all descendants will share our mothers magic."

Kara raised a brow "Two things brother" she started when Hayley walked downstairs " actually .. no I see what you're saying. If she's buried there, my daughter will benefit from her magic since we're all vampires and we cannot and that also means while we cannot own property since we're for all intents and purposes are dead..."

Elijah smirked and tapped his glass against his sisters "Precisely.. your daughter will have ownership and in doing so she will share the Mikaelson magic."

Kara wasted no time and blurred to her office and grabbed the deed before signing baby Mikaelson —They hadn't yet decided on names so this would work.

Klaus laughed "Well at least mother will do some good for once, so shall we bury the poor woman and say our final goodbyes?"


In the backyard of the plantation underneath the pelting rain four Mikaelson siblings, one werewolf and human stood as the coffin was lowered into the ground.

Kara held the umbrella ignoring father Kieran's sermon, instead she focused on the dark oak coffin in the ground. She searched for any measure of love .. any guilt or remorse.. but found none. She wondered when exactly she stopped loving her mother and asking for affection in return.

When the knife was passed to her she cut her palm allowing her blood to drip into the hole "Here's to hoping you stay dead this time.." she muttered softly and handed the blade to Hayley who simply cut her palm and offered no words. When Hayley finished she gave the knife to father Kieran, he tossed the knife into the grave and gave the family a nod.

"It's done."

Kara slipped her hand into Hayley's and walked them to the car, she ignored the questioning looks from her companion.

Once they were back in the car, Kara stared out at the falling rain "Am I monster for not feeling anything?" She asked quietly

Hayley put her hands on Kara's thigh, she squeezed it comfortingly "I don't know much about your mother but given her attempts in killing you all? Well .. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't .. she hurt you.. deeply. She turned you into a vampire against your will.. and then treated you like a scourge that needed to wiped off the face of the earth.."

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