The past comes back to bite you II

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Camille asked watching the hybrid nervously.

Kara sighed "Honestly? No, your uncle has vervain in his veins, my compulsion is not strong enough to counter it. But my hope is that once we bleed him of the vervain, I can attempt to compel him"

"Compel him to stay sane you mean?" Camille asked

Kara nodded briefly "It's not as pleasant as you would expect and yes I told you this will not be fun.

But a hex is tricky and I'm no witch but I've spent enough time around them to know that there is always a loophole. I'm only hoping that this is that loophole before we have to go to drastic measures." She explained with a tight smile, Kieran grimaced but dutifully drank her blood.

"Drastic measures?" Camille echoed for clarity.

Kara licked her lips turning her eyes away from the sad gaze of the blonde "Lets get to draining him shall we" she looked to Josh "you start, and I hope you don't have a weak stomach."

The sight wasn't one Camille could take, Kara didn't blame her, bleeding Kieran was honestly similar to bloodletting in the olden days. Yet for this purpose it wasn't medicinal . She once more offered her wrist to the pale man while pitying him silently.

"Come drink" she gently coaxed, the man greedily drank her blood. His wounds healing ever so slowly. When she was satisfied. She gripped his shoulder tightly her blue eyes piercing his eyes.

"I think you've suffered enough, you've made your niece suffer enough" his eyes start dilating "You will fight the dark urges , you will beat this hex and all that it bids you to do or say." She stops and stares at the man as he blinks.

"Did it work?" She turned to look at Camille who stared hopefully at her uncle.

"We'll have to see" Kara replied turning her gaze back to Kieran.

"How do I know if it worked? All I know is that the vervain is out, and I'm at the mercy of this murderous bastard. I bet you find that really funny, don't you, Cami? You little–-" father Kieran cut himself off — biting back his surprise "I'm sorry Camille I don't know I why I said that"

Kara sighed softly "That answers our question." She licked her lips and turned to leave.

"Wait Kara! You can't just leave—""

Kara cut her off cupping her cheek gently "Camille" she said softly dragging the girl from the attic "I'm not leaving, or well I am but I'm going to do what I'm best at, I'm going to find the witch who's done this to your uncle and then I'm going to make sure they suffer through an unending sequence of agony and not let up until they release the hex on your uncle.." her hard gaze softened slightly "I swear to you, I will try everything in my power to ensure you never lose someone again."

Camille finally let go of the tears , she fell into Kara's gentle hug. "Thank.. thank you."

"Of course, I care about you Camille, as I said before— I don't take that lightly, a slight against you is a slight against me and those I hold dear." She said gently extracting herself from the hold "Now, where is that headstrong therapist Hmm? The woman that diagnoses me with all kinds of mental issues fearlessly?" She teased lightly.

Camille laughed a choked laugh "she's here , somewhere.." she promised "thank you for this Kara, I really appreciate it."

Kara nodded "of course" she stepped back and walked down the stairs, her mind working with ways she could track down this witch, she sighed she needed Claire but the witch was busy with finding out more about this prophecy linked to her daughter. She shook her head clear of her thoughts, when she reached the pews.. her heart stuttered when she saw a familiar face, one she hadn't seen in century.

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