She is the most important thing to me..

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Hayley didn't know what was happening or why her body felt like it was burning inside out, every nerve felt on fire, her blood boiled with no relief .

She never felt anything like it before—as if someone was poking her skin with a hot white poker.

The only sound that seemed to filter through all the pain was Kara's voice, the tone was soothing, more soothing than she'd ever thought it could be. She wanted nothing more than curl up into the originals arms and enjoy the cool water caressing her burning skin.

Her pleas, she thought would go unheard. She didn't think Kara Mikaelson would stay.. the woman was not the warmest nor the most compassionate. Kara Mikaelson did not radiate happiness.

Her smiles were far and few between. The only time Hayley witnessed a genuine smile was when Hayley told her that maybe their daughter could be the reason she lived, and no longer just existed.

"I won't leave..." the promise played over and over in her head.

As if the words were indeed the right ones she needed to hear— the burn all but stopped without warning , she no longer felt her body aflame. Reality started to kick in, the water, she was in was cold, colder than she would've liked. That and she was clinging to Kara.

"Uh.." she stammered slightly when her eyes met concerned blue.

"Are you alright?" The voice was softer than Hayley had ever heard before.

Hayleys lip trembled, shivering as she tried pulling away from Kara's hold but the original did not let go, in fact she held her tighter— Kara's lips brushed her ear. "I will end anyone and everyone who had a part in this, I swear." The warmth in her voice disappeared replaced by a frosty cold. Soon she felt her being lifted from the pool. Kara did not look at her again after Rebekah threw a blanket over her. Hayley blinked but the hybrid choked Sophie against the wall, the witch's feet dangling uselessly in the air.

"Who?" Asked Kara "Tell me who did this!" The furious whisper was met with Sophie choking, struggling to breath Kara sneered in distaste and allowed the girl to speak.

"Agnes!" She choked out "She caught me on my way back and fed me wolfsbane.." when she was dropped to the ground Kara stared at the woman in disgust.

"Your elders disgust me, to want to kill a child, a baby one who hasn't even taken their first breath. You believe vampires to be unnatural.. monsters.." she spat venomously "I don't believe we're the only monsters.. but tonight I'll make them pay for their treacherous acts.."

Sophie's eyes widened "No! You can't Agnes is our only elder without her we can't finish the harvest!"

Kara's face flashed her hybrid visage, smoldering anger burned in her gaze "I. Do. Not. Care. The city's streets will run red with their blood.. I swear .. Take comfort that you still have your petty life."

Elijah stepped forward "Niklaus has called and said he's found the witches at St Anne's sister."

Kara nodded "Tell him to do nothing but stall " was all she said as she disappeared back into the home leaving behind a trembling Hayley, a concerned Rebekah and smirking Elijah.

Sophie tried to appeal to the noblest of stags "Please.. you can't let her kill Agnes!"

Elijah smirked "Perhaps you misunderstanding something Miss Devereux.." his eyes glowed with mirth "I have no say in my sisters doings.. in fact no one could ever make her do something she doesn't wish to.." he fixed his cuff links and glanced at Hayley "For all her dislikes one things she hates more than anything are hose who would harm children and your elders and coven have crossed two lines today.."

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