Do what you wish

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The quarter was bustling with activity, by midnight she needed a good distraction, something to attract Marcel's attention. Mm magic would need to be used as well. She watched the countless people pass her by, a few greeted with shy smiles — mostly young girls, or some brave man. She ignored it all instead her gaze went to the man she had dealt with a few evenings ago. Thierry, one of Marcel's trusted men, she noticed his eyes shift around, looking for anyone watching him. A smile curled up her lips as she stood to her feet, intent on watching the trumpet player a bit more. She intercepted a passing boy and dragged him into the alley.

"Go into that store and watch the man with the hat subtly, make sure to purchase a few things before leaving. Then meet me here and tell me what he went in for, is that understood?" The boys eyes dilated with a dazed nod she sent him off.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, she stared at the caller ID before sighing "My dearest and favorite sister what can I help you with" she asked in lieu of greeting.

Rebekah's took on a tone she didn't immediately recognize "I'm your only sister" Kara rolled her eyes not that the blonde original could see it "I hear congratulations are in order" Ah yes a tinge of jealousy mixed with affection. Rebekah could be sweet and affectionate but mostly she was scarred by Klaus's paranoia and her own indifference.

"I don't believe I completed a feat that needed congratulations Rebekah" she replied drily "Why are you calling me? Usually you would track me down, god knows how and show up at my residence without an invitation"

"Well.. I'm well aware of your preferences sister, you prefer being anywhere any of us are not." The venom in the statement brought a twinge of guilt about before Kara squashed it.

"Have you called to chastise my lack of familial ties to you all? Because I believe I've endured enough of your speeches.."

Rebekah sighed on the other side of the phone "Sometimes I wonder if you've stopped loving us, loving me.."

Kara's eyes burned but she pushed away the guilt pulsing through her"Rebekah.. I'm occupied at the moment so if you could please do hurry up and tell me the reason you've called"

"I've been trying to reach Elijah, he's supposed to be in New Orleans but he hasn't been answering his phone."

Kara watched the young man she sent in the herb store a few minutes ago appear before her carrying a package of his own. Before she addressed the boy she spoke to her sister.

"I believe wherever he is it's rather difficult finding cell reception, now I will need to go, stay safe sister.." she paused ".." but the words never came instead she ended the call and pushed the phone in her pocket. Her gaze turned to the boy.

"Well what have you noticed?"

"Uh.. I just saw the woman behind the counter and the man you were talking about hugging when I came in but they stopped almost immediately— and then nothing I bought something and left."

Kara nodded "I see, you've done well. Now" she stared at him "you will forget you saw me, you will forget what I asked and carry along with your day is that clear?" The boy nodded dazedly and went on his way. Kara allowed the information to simmer in her head before noticing Thierry leaving the store before once more checking his surroundings. He made a piss poor vampire if he didn't notice her watching him. Either way it worked for her, once she was happy he was gone she walked toward the herb store.

When she entered she found herself staring at a rather beautiful girl, a girl that was no doubt a witch. Inwardly she enjoyed the irony. One of Marcel's most trusted men was having a dalliance with the enemy. How positively Romeo and Juliet. Star crossed lovers , loved each other but could never be. She ignored the wary gaze of the witch as she looked around the store.

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