Knowing the enemy

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Kara watched the faction heads while they argued back and forth, spewing insults as if they were children, her jaw clenched momentarily in frustration. The arguments and insults mostly came from Hayley and Cassandra the two women were very close to devolving into a murderous rage.

Casandra seemed to be insulted by Hayley's mere presence while Hayley mocked Cassandra at every turn. The situation would've been amusing if it wasn't for Niklaus's snickering as the comments flew back and forth. She grit her teeth, no longer having the patience for childish squabbling.

"Enough!" She said loud enough capturing the two womens' attention. She cleared her throat "As I said I understand there are underlying issues that will not disappear with a single meeting. But" she paused with pointed glances to Hayley and Cassandra  "It is my hope that you all can act like adults! Not children squabbling.

The terms are fair in all respects , the werewolves have their own privacy, the vampires and hybrids will soon too and the witches have their own dwelling. The humans are scattered as it has always been — living amongst the supernatural."

She sighed "Now, I expect you all to take the terms to your respective factions, once they have agreed to the guidelines and rules then we will sign a treaty amongst everyone."

Kara rubbed her eyes "Now since I've dealt with enough childish tantrums for the day please go and do what's needed." She said dismissing everyone. Unfortunately Cassandra was intent on angering Hayley and walked to her and planted a sloppy kiss to her lips— hoping to gain a reaction from the werewolf.

Kara nearly gagged but kept her face even and gently pushed the witch away from her personal space "If you're intent of acting childish Cassandra then I will treat you like a child, is that understood" she said her gaze hardening

Cassandra scoffed and stepped away from her before simply nodding and leaving. Kara sighed when the witch was gone her brothers had too left leaving her alone with father Kieran who's eyes were anywhere else.

Hayley stared at her pain hiding in her green eyes, Kara opened her mouth but Hayley shook her head and left.

"And then there were two" said father Kieran.

Kara stared at the man before laughing dryly "How are you?" She asked referring to the hex.

The man shrugged "Camille's tried calming herbs but she knows as well as I that the hex will only get worse as time wears on"

Kara frowned "I'll have my witch see what we can do, I don't know whether there's any way of reversing the hex but I did promise Camille that I would help."

Father Kieran simply stared at her "You care about my niece right?"

Kara nodded "She's a friend , one of the very few that I have" she admitted truthfully

Kieran sat in one of the chairs "I never wanted this life for her, after losing her twin brother to the same hex, she'll lose me too, she shouldn't be here, she should leave and live her life somewhere sunny, where she could practice her craft in peace"

Kara frowned "What are you asking me father Kieran?"

"If you truly care for her, then I want you to compel her, compel her and send her away.."

Kara stared at the man "I cannot , she made me swear that I would never compel her like my brother did. I keep my promises.." she sighed "but I will try speaking to her, making her see that this city is an over boiling stew ready to burst at a moments notice."

"What about everything you said? What about the alliance and treaty?" Kieran questioned

Kara's lips twitched ever so slightly at the mention of the treaty she brought forth "I've lived a thousand years and in that thousand years I have seen the truth of humanity, the truth of supernatural creatures. I can preach about peace but it won't come easily, there will be bloodshed, no matter how much I wish to avoid it." She says in her own chair "I want my daughter to grow up, safe and happy. But I'm not naive to believe it will happen over night"

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