You'll always be my little wolf

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Mikaelson compound

Kara sipped her bourbon, she swirled the liquor in her glass, a small smile playing on her lips when she heard multiple sets of footsteps.

"Kara?" Kara turned to meet the eyes of her siblings, no more surprised than Rebekah.

"In the flesh.." she commented sipping her drink. "What happened to you lot? You look like you've come from a funeral? Not someone I know I hope?" She asked with a innocent smirk.

Klaus wasted no time crossing the distance between him and his sister grabbing her into a hug, "How?! We watched you burn?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

Kara felt slightly bad, she never wanted Klaus to see but she supposed it couldn't be helped. "Well no, I didn't I'm right here." She paused gently pulling from the hug at the still stunned Elijah and Rebekah.

"How was it sister? Was it everything you hoped for? Did my death offer you ever could've wished for?" She asked cooly.

Rebekah opened her mouth only to close it again "I.. I'm sorry" she apologized tearfully.

Kara grit her teeth "Well Rebekah, you did what was needed, after all I was the horrible monster keeping you from you one true love." She paused sipping her drink "The Romeo to your Juliet, the Heathcliff to your Cathy" she mocked "Star crossed lovers, always in love and yet never made to last" She stepped forward, licking her lips— "Now you have exactly what you wanted, I will no longer stand in the way of your love, I will no longer protect you from the man who is sure to break your heart, I will no longer interfere — you're free and I am dead to you..."

Rebekah shut her eyes "Kara please.."

"Go; live and love. I release you from the vow we swore a thousand years ago. Always and forever is no longer yours to have and to hold. The only thing I care about is my unborn daughter and her happiness. I'll no longer concern myself with yours." She spat coldly.


Kara stared at the old willow tree, she touched it with a small smile. The memories she had here would always stay with her and yet the woman she buried a hundred years ago..

"I was wondering when you'd seek me out Cassandra" she said without turning around.

Cassandra chuckled "You didn't kill her"

Kara licked her lips, keeping her face even. She didn't know what this woman's goal was and she was sure it wasn't as simple as revealing her sisters treachery. So instead of becoming angry , she simply nodded in response.

Cassandra frowned "Why? Why didn't you kill her? She brought your biggest tormentor to this town, destroyed everything you built. She killed me"

Kara closed her eyes "Indeed, she did all those things and yet, she's remains my sister, my flesh and blood. I couldn't kill her, nor could I kill any of my siblings." She admitted "however she suffered more than enough, I can't help but wonder whether Mikael ruined us all, he ruined me, Niklaus but he also ruined Rebekah and kol.." she paused catching Cassandra's eyes "I wonder, am I doomed to repeat the cycle? Will I ruin my daughter too?"

Cassandra flinched at the mention of Kara's daughter, a reminder that it was not a daughter of her own, she couldn't give the woman she loved something so pure, but if she couldn't then she wouldn't let that damn werewolf take Kara too. "I don't know, I don't think you will.." she answered "Do you love the werewolf?"

Kara kept her face even "Why?" She asked instead.

Cassandra cupped her cheeks "Tell me, do you love her Kara?"

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