Oh ye of little faith..

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Kara stared at the journal in her hands, the one journal she had written for all her thousand years. She wasn't much for notarizing her feelings or expressing them in literature form.

Her older brother did that enough for all of them. While Niklaus expressed his own in painting. But this one was special, it held memories , memories she'd thought she pushed back to the far recedes of her mind. But today was anniversary of her death. It also coincided with a festival, the casket girls. A legend her sister created or had part of — Rebekah did always have the flair for dramatics.

Shaking away her melancholy she placed the journal back in its hiding place. Last night Davina escaped , where she went she had no idea but her brother was up in arms searching for the witch. Something she would have no part in. Her only goal today was to hopefully rewrite her dreadful memories with news ones.

"You don't look half as worried as Nik looks.." Kara turned to face her sister. She tilted her head in thought before offering a smirk.

"Oh don't let my expression fool you dear sister, I'm overcome with concern." She remarked sarcastically.

Rebekah crossed her arms in frustration "Have you always been so —"

"So what? Manipulative? Cunning? Wicked?" She offered pouring herself a drink. "Any one of adjectives strike your fancy Rebekah?"

Rebekah frowned "I have apologized for betraying you.. or rather more Niklaus in this case but I have."

Kara sipped her drink calmly "No I don't think you did , in fact I'm entirely sure you still conspire with your lover..even now. The city is mine.. ours once more. I'm trying to ensure it's safe for my daughters arrival yet you seem to be having little secret meetings with the disgraced king.." she stepped into Rebekah's personal space "Tell me.. does he tell you of everything he's to offer you? How he's to build you a home? One you could share and live happily ever after?"

Rebekah eyes glistened with tears "When have you become so cruel? When we were children you kind and compassionate.. not this.."

Kara narrowed her eyes "My kindness is reserved for those who deserve it, you have chosen a man once more over your family, you have chosen to believe in his fairytales instead of securing your nieces', my daughters safety. How do you suppose I repay your treachery? With kindness? Shall I invite every enemy too? And offer them kind smiles and warm welcomes when they wish to stick knives into my back?"

Rebekah refused to back down "I did what I did because I thought it was necessary, I believed you and Niklaus needed to learn just how your actions have consequences.."

Kara scoffed derisively "So we're back to this then? I recall mother wishing to kill you all in mystic falls. I may have not been there but word does travel fast, especially when she used Finn as the means to do so.. Our mother plotted your death yet you cannot get over the fact that I killed her once.

She came back to life and well I had nothing to do with the second time— that was Niklaus. Regardless. I will never apologize for it, I feel no guilt or remorse in ending her life. Not when she turned us into the very monsters she abhors.."

Rebekah clenched her jaw as tears rolled down her cheeks , Kara finished her drink and tilted her sisters chin up "You say I was kind and compassionate.. but where is the sweet sister I once knew? Where is the warm hearted girl that could light up a room with her smile alone?" She countered "You've changed Rebekah, I've accepted my part in it, but do not use mother or anyone as an excuse.

You betrayed our family for the love of a man who chooses everything over you. He chose becoming a vampire over you , he chose this city over you, he made you believe he was dead a hundred years ago to steal what we built! Grow up Rebekah .. see the man for what he truly is. He's everything you abhor in Niklaus .. he has his arrogance, his lust for power , for control.. I find it amusing that you've fallen for a man that shares so many qualities with the brother you've come to despise."

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