Chapter 2

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She sat down on the simple bed in the tent, no personal things existed here. An empty space for her to take over. She laid down and looked up at the tent canvas. It wasn't home, but it felt better than the room she had in the Spring Court. And to sleep alone... The bed was small, but she didn't care. No hands held on to her, no snores could keep her awake. She started to fall asleep, but didn't have the luxury of fully falling asleep before voices started to enter her mind.

He is losing it.

Luna returned?


More more!

Different voices, different minds cruising down on her. Some mad, some happy. Some are sceptical. Luna didn't blame them, slowly she started to build up her walls to close the voices out. But sleep still didn't find her, no matter how tired she was, sleep didn't come. Once midnight passed Luna got up and dressed in the simple set of leather Emerie had left for her. Then She walked out to the rings and started to train.

It was hard, her body weak and her muscles screamed when she started. Things that just a year ago had been easy and normal pushed her to her limits. In the end Luna just layed on the ground, panting and sweating from the exercise, begging for sleep, but it still refused to come.

"Please..." she whispered and closed her eyes, her heart was drumming in her head, her breath hurt like shards of glass.

"Forgot to train while you were away?" A female voice came to her, and a hand helped her up.

"Tamlin hasn't changed too much over the years." Luna took the hand and found herself looking at Gina. The Illyrian was also dressed in her leathers, and weapons tied to her back and hips.

"I can imagine..." Gina walked off and removed some of her blades. "How long have you been here?"

"Midnight..." The first rays of sun started to climb over the horizon.

"Time for a break. Come back after midday." Gina started to warm up. "Get some rest and food."

"I can't rest." Luna edmited and sat back against the ropes around the ring. "My mind just won't let me."

"And now you sound like a certain Shadowsinger we all know." Gina continued her warm up. Stretching out her back. "Evalyn may have some tonics to knock you out. Go find her."

"Thanks..." Luna started to walk away, knowing that she would not disturb her friend right now.

"Her tent is next to Nyx's, if they don't sleep in his tent tonight." Gina called after her.

"I might just wait until she is awake then!" Hell no that I walk in on my brother. Luna walked back to her tent, sitting down for less than a minute before walking back out again to find some breakfast. Some early summer apples and berries with porridge were served at the camp's great fire. She sat down at the fire and looked around in the camp, she saw Illyrians flying around, some training, some just doing errands. She saw a pair of them training their child to walk. The little one was around one year if Luna could guess. And he walked back and forth between his parents. All of them looked happy, like this life was just what they needed. The female had her wings out, no scar, meaning that she still could fly. And the smile on the males face was genuine, loving. Her chest started to cramp and she looked away.

That was love, not the desire she had felt for Axios, or the need Tamlin had for her. What those two shared was love. She looked back, only to regret it as the male lifted his child high in the sky, the laughter from them came down to her. Filling her ears to the point where Luna needed to leave. She had grown up with mates around her, she knew what love was, and still... Still she fell for someone that wanted to hurt her, and then she did the same to someone. She left her food only half finished, she just needed to get away. Only for that to backfire on her too.

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