Chapter 4

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Axios had always been the youngest, the weakest among his brothers. The one who needed to fight to just keep up with everyone. But it had served him well, when he succeeded everyone was surprised. The praise he had gotten for keeping the Daughter of the Night Court chained to his bed was never ending. He had climbed in the eyes of his father and older brothers. Some of them even called him the master of manipulation. And maybe he was, for the lie had been going on for over a year, and he was still holding it up. Not allowing anyone to enter his room.

"She is mine, and I have no intentions on allowing anyone near her." He said and they listened. But the female that was chained to his bed was one he had found in the city below. And he used her for sex, along the sents to linger around him just to keep the lie going. She was no Luna, far too skinny and ordinary looking. But she would have to make due for now. He just needed her until he could get Luna back.

He had followed his father on every trip, claiming that he needed to get out of the room sometimes so they both could rest. And once he was out, he searched for her. In the cities, villages, in the different courts. He did all he could to find her. For if it came out that he was lying, if one of his brothers saw that the female in his bed was not the daughter of the High Lord and Lady... Axios shivered as he imagined his head rolling down the stairs of the great hall where his father sat on the High Lord throne. The second one discarded in a pile of rubles in a corner of the room.

No, he needed to keep this lie up, he needed to find Luna. That was all on his mind, until she reached out to him.

I am back, your lies will be uncovered, what you did will be known to the world. It had scared him, it had scared him more then he admitted. Axios walked around his room, the female laid covered in his darkness. He needed to act fast...

He removed the darkness, eyeing her for the first time since he took her here. She was not beautiful as Luna, she was just ordinary, and boring... He moved quickly and broke her neck. Her body fell lifeless onto the mattress of his bed. She had served him well. No remorse or guilt filed him as he removed her body, placing her on the same mountain plateau he had left Luna on, so long ago. He didn't look over his shoulder as he left the body of the female, he didn't even know her name. Returning back he looked around the room, this step needed to be well planned and executed. He started with the bed.

Bloodstains from her existed already, so he ripped some of the sheets apart. Then he broke the chain, tossing it around the bed and room. Lastly he needed to fix himself. Walking up to a door he slammed his face against it multiple times. Breaking his nose, splitting his lip, his eyebrow. And more. Soon his entire face was sore and a bit swollen. He continued to inflict different injuries onto himself, until it looked like Luna had been the one to overpower him. Once satisfied, Axios screamed.

"Help!" He had tied the sheets around himself, laying on the floor in his blood. Naked just for show. All to sell to his brothers that Luna in fact had escaped. Making her return less suspicious. "Help!" He screamed and screamed. And so by chance he was forced to lay there still long enough for everything to really hurt. It was his oldest brother who found him.

"What the fuck?"

"She overpowered me... She escaped..." Axios spat out.

"She is gone!" His brother left the room and started to scream out orders. "How did you let it happen?" His brother freed him and tossed one of the sheets over him.

"She overpowered me, she must have planed it for long..." He got up, hissing at the pain in his body. Leaning into it to make it look worse.

"Fuck." His brother left and Axios got dressed, limping out from the room. In the estate everyone was running and screaming. Now the lie had changed, from her being held there, to her escaping. And now it was easier to keep it going.

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