Chapter 28

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She had a lot of things to do. Some of them are more important than others. But this one, it was important for so many reasons.

She was sitting down in the snow once more, no wings, no glamour, just her. Luna. And the small hill of stones that showed where the new grave layed. The body had been frozen, making this goodbye both harder and easier.

"I grew up isolated, with no record of my existence for the outside world except a box of sketches in my mothers drawer. I was loved, I can't deny that. My father guarded me like a hawk on some days, worried that someone was to hurt me like they had hurt his sister. But for the most parts of my life, I have lived in a world where I didn't exist. My brother's achievements decided when I was allowed to leave, big parts of myself and my identity were forced to be hidden away. And my powers..." Luna drew a breath. "I hear everyone, all the time. I don't need to strain myself to listen to our neighbours, instead I needed to strain myself to not hear them. And still, I always felt alone. The world outside continued on, and I... I saw it all pass by. I lived life through a window, and no one around me saw it as a problem."

"Then you came along. And it scared my family so much that they debated whether to keep me inside for longer. I was sp fucking scared then, more so then when you kidnapped me. To be forced to stay inside, to not live! But I was allowed out, sure, hiding my wings but I was free!" Luna started to smile, just for a blink of an eye. "And you came along, and Axios, or Tirian, I never heard you, you were the first one I didn't hear."

"I didn't even think about it at first, but once I noticed, it was a blessing. A lot of the things you did were a blessing at first... Tirian, had we not lied, had we not been more loyal to our families then to ourselves than maybe... Maybe we could have found that bond, and made something with it. You could have supported me, or I could have stayed behind and worked to ensure a better future for all of us. Had we worked together, as mates... But you took that away from me. You hurt me." Luna choked on her words. "Had things been different, had we been different. But no..."

"I will miss you, the hole you have left inside of me will never fade, and while you can rest, I can't, and I never will. But I will try, for I have a life that I still want to live. So, goodbye, and may we see eachother once the Darkness takes me back."

Luna let out her wings and took off into the sky. Flying higher and higher over the mountains. This was her first stop on a journey to mend her own broken heart and soul, one that hopefully ended in her steping her foot in Velaris once more.

Her next stop brought her to the Dawn Court. The afternoon sun painted the sky in an array of pinks and oranges. Her landing, almost as quiet as the cat's steps, a life of training for just this. Luna found herself down in the dungeons, and after not too long, she found the male she was looking for.

"Do you like it?" She asked, standing close to the bars. "To be held in place with no power?" Faebane made sure the male was no threat, even if the stone left a bad taste in Luna's mouth.

"Who are you?" The male spat back.

"One who just needs to see you." She said back, taking in the pathetick male where he sat on the floor. "You hurt one that I love." The male looked up, and the eyes made Luna take a step back. That was Hope's Eyes...

"I did?" He gave her a smirk from the depths of hell. "You are the Sister? Aren't you?"

"I am just one who wanted to see you for myself." Luna said back. "And the one to tell you that once Thesan deems that you have been locked in here for long enough, I will find you, and I will make sure you never see the sun, stars or moon ever again."

"A bargain? Is that what you are offering me?" The male started to laugh. But Luna held her face cold.

"No, A promise." Silence. The words hit their mark and the Male swallowed. "So enjoy your time here, it is the last place you will ever see." Luna left the dungeons and cells, leaving the male behind her. She knew that Evalyn never would approve of this, but Luna had blamed herself for that night for so long. This meeting, it was for her.

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