Chapter 8

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Evalyn didn't know what she had expected, but the Ice Castle was not it. The outer walls was made if ice and snow, packed so hard that she imagined that it was tougher than steel or stone. The Main Castle itself had walls made of Ice, the uneven surfaces distorted the view from the outside. But it wasn't the way everything had a twisted look that made Evalyn's mouth drop open.

It was the colours.

The ice walls reflected and broke the light from the sun making them shift in everything from icy blues to pinks, yellow, oranges and red. She needed to stop just to take in the beautiful building, lost for words of what to say.

"It is a wonder, isn't it?" Nyx asked her, his arm around her waist as they stood there together.

"It is... Amazing..." the word felt too small on her tongue as she tried to describe it.

"It is, You see the wall over there, to the left of the third tower? Me and Isaac used to slide down its side for fun as children." He told her. Pointing towards the wall in question.

"Really?" She looked up to her mate. "You? Sliding down ice walls for fun?"

"We have not always lived in a crisis." Nyx told her with a smile. "Maybe you should try?"

"I think the frostbite says no." She said back, realising how cold this castle must be. The simpel cape she had over her shoulder didn't do much to keep her completely warm. Nyx placed a kiss on her lips.

"You won't freeze, trust me." They started to walk again, the rest of the group had already reached the gates, and waited for them. Both Gina and Azriel held their sensitive wings close to their backs. Luna had her arms wrapped around her body, the black dress the same as the day before, just like Evalyns grey one.

Next time, we are asking Kira for a winter wardrobe to take with us to meetings. Luna's voice came to her mind.

Agreed. Evalyn said back. If she had her powers now, the cold wouldn't have been a problem. But she didn't. They were still far away to reach. The small amounts she could summun barely worked to heal a scratch... And she hated it.

"Welcome!" The gates flew open, revealing a estatic Viviane, and to Evalyns surprise, a warm wind. "Come inside please, it is freezing outside!" The High Lady of the Winter Court waved at them to entere.

"No way you say?" Luna mumbled and walked in. Evalyn and Nyx followed.

For its name, the Ice Castle was warm on the inside, the walls still filled with the light, distorted the outside world to the point that Evalyn couldn't see it at all. They walked past portraits of former High Lords, no Ladys, Evalyn could see the long lines of them, counting as she walked past.

"Our Court has the longest unbroken line of rulers. Starting all the way back at the beginning." Viviane told them. "Father to son, not always the oldest, but always Father to son. No cousins, or missed generations." She spoke with pride as they passed the portraits.

"No need to brag, my love." Kellias came walking towards them. "The rest are yet to come, but we can start with some food and drinks in the meantime." He showed them the way to the room that Evalyn guessed was the one being reserved for meetings like this one.

Trays of food stood ready waiting for them. Midday was still a couple of hours away, so most of the food was suitable for a late breakfast. Something Evalyn right now did not say no to. The five of them sat around, waiting. Gina and Azriel had both placed themself to be closest to the doors, ready to strike if they needed to.

Let's hope not... Evalyn told herself and balled her hands into fists. If they need any help after... For a moment the bloody mess of Noel's back came to her mind and she drew a breath, trying to hide it from the others, she walked off to a corner, pretending to admire the decorations.

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