Chapter 11

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Do you wish to fly? He asked out. Do you hate to be the only one in your family to not fly? To not feel the wind? I think you do Luna, they have always held you back, so why not come here? Be with me. Work with me. She heard his voice coming from the darkness, she didn't answer. She sat still high above the camp, seeing how the fires started to burn, casting the camp in a yellow and red light. She could feel his presents through the darkness, his mind like a beacon of light in the black mass. Never her father, never her mother. But him...

Clever... His tone had changed. And she saw a memory of Isa standing next to Tamlin on that day in the office. I know how to find you, and bring you home. Luna grined at his words. If he only knew.

Too late. I am with Nyx, with my family. This is coming to an end. He may think she was with Tamlin right now, but he was wrong. So, so wrong.

I talked to your mother today. Luna's head started to spin. She is still quite unharmed, unlike your father... Tell me, how does an Illyrian live without his wings? She got up from the place where she had been sitting, her chest moving at a fast pace. She had seen Eris' memory, she knew... But to hear it again...

Fuck you, and the rest of your brothers. Luna tried to sound strong, but tears had started to fall from her eyes.

You already have. Luna's stomach twisted at his words. She knew it wasn't the truth, but still... Your mother told me everything. The panic turned to surprise.

No. Everything about what? She asked herself. About her and Nyx? The Illyrians? Her family?

Yes she did, I know everything about Evalyns secret. Luna looked down at the camp, sensing how her brother just left Evalyns tent. Why? WHY?

She would never... her mother knew... But none of them had the time to tell her about Hope, about Evalyn's decision... She couldn't know...

Not even to see her mate? Luna took off flying, her head spinning faster and faster. She told me everything, crying and begging to be close to him.

She can't have... She can't have known that she kept her... She had just given birth... Luna searched for her brother, she needed to talk to him now.

But she did, we will come for her, for both of them. Luna stopped.

You wouldn't dare. Anger took over.

But I will. Or you can trade. You come and live here, and I will spare Evalyn. His mind was brighter than the sun in the darkness now and Luna started to reach out for it, the distance was a challenge, but he was so easy to find.

Never... Her claws started to dig into his mind.

Then you are responsible for their deaths. He found her hand and slowly the light faded, making it harder and harder for her to keep a grip on his mind. The distance made it impossible in the end and Luna dove down to find her brother.

He was standing on the field, practising with his sword. A traditional Illyrian blade, She knew the pattern, the same one Nesta and Gwyn had engraved in her mind. Luna stood and watched her brother train. A bit jealous over the clean technique he showed. The argument from just hours before came to mind as she watched him. But right now that felt like a child's play, like nothing of importance.

"Do you need to scream?" He asked, his back against her, sword still moving.

"To talk." Luna said, removing her wings. "I have a lot of things to say."

"So do I." Nyx stopped, resting his sword against the ground.

"And with that Cassian and dad would have scolded you for letting your blade become dull." Luna said and walked so she faced her brother. "Hand me a sword."

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