Chapter 20

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Luna didn't speak to any of them for the rest of the day. Or what they perceived to be the day. Nyx made sure he, Gina and Azriel could talk when needed. Not that it was, Azriel was leading them, and the roots of the Mountain in which Hewn City layed came before them as they made the final turn before landing.

Just like in the Rite. Gina said as she looked up towards the mountain top. We are just fed, rested, and no one is covered in blood.

That is one way to put it. Nyx said back, looking back at his sister. Her mental walls stod high and strong, and no matter how much he tried, Nyx had not been able to sneak past them. Not a shock really. She had always been stronger than him when it came to just the Daemati powers. But now it frustrated him more than ever. He hadn't truly realised that every time they had talked mind to mine, she had let him in, she had let him enter her mind to talk.

So, what now? Gina placed her bag down. This one is steeper than Ramiel

There is a small path on the northern side, we will start there, then once we get past the back door, we will climb around to the southside and the balcony there. Azriel started to re-check his own bag. It will take time, but it will be safer. Nyx looked back at Luna, she had also taken off her bag and was drinking some water. Her hair tied back, the white strip glowed in the Darkness.

So, when will we start? Luna's voice came to him and Nyx relaxed, she was talking again.

Soon, rest for now, and we will start once we are ready. Azriel told them. Ramiel is one type of climb, this will be different.

I can take the first watch. Luna told them, Nyx nodded. Behind him Gina and Azriel had already started a fire. And the red flames warmed his back and wings. Luna walked away from them. Nyx followed her movements and debated whether to go over to her. To ask her how she was feeling. But Azriel stopped him.

"She needs to be alone." The Shadowsinger barely spoke. "Now, let us focus on this." He had placed the map over the palace on the ground again. The scared hands pointing at different places on it.

"Who will go in first?" Gina asked in the same low tone.

"Me." Nyx declared back. "I can go in first and take care of any direct threat." No way he was allowing Gina to be in harm's way, or Luna. And if Azriel came back with a scratch Gwyn might kill Nyx for allowing it.

"How good is your control of your powers?" Azriel said back.


"Can you mist on command? Or does it only happen when you are full of emotions?"

"I don't see how that is relevant?"

"I am going in first. Nyx, you are second. Then Gina and Luna will go last." Azirel then said. "You and Gina will focus on securing the area, while me and Luna will try to find Rhys and Feyre." Nyx nooded, the Spymasters plan sounded solid.

"So we wait here and rest?" Gina asked.

"Yes, rest, then climb." Azriel sat down. "When we are ready, it may be similar to the Blood Rite. But this will not be the same."

Nyx nodded to that, to climb that mountain had been a mental journey, fighting off sleep, injuries and stress. They had killed, fled, and hid to get there. But this... It was a more physical climb, harder on the body. The mountain lomed over them, and there at the top, covered in the darkness, was a part of his Court that Nyx hardly had been to, and his parents.

He had seen how his father's wings had been broken. He had seen the chains that made sure to tie them down. But it had been through the eyes of others, soon he was destined to see it all himself. How would he react? How would the others react?

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