Chapter 26

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She sat on her knees in the snow, the sun climbing above her. Her wings, resting against the icy snow. And in front of her, the dead body of the male that was supposed to be her mate. Luna's heart and mind had gone quiet. She had felt the bond for less than a blink of an eye, but it still hurt, it still felt like someone had ripped her soul out from her. Replacing it with an empty hollow. His scent faded in the wind, slowly disappearing into nothing.

She tried to understand, ending up with nothing. She had searched and searched, hoped, dreamed... But found nothing. All those times in the hallways, in the rooms with him so close. She had found nothing. And now... A empty hollow, a hole in her soul, a bottomless pit inside of her that she never could fill. One moment, one blink of an eye, had changed it all.

I killed my mate. She hadn't known, no, she had truly believed that Axios were crazy. Until she felt it. Of all the things I have done... She had not loved him, and he had hurt her in ways a Mate never was supposed to do. She had never been honest with him, but so had he.
Maybe that was why... None of us showed who we truly are, until we did... A murdurer and a lier. Not a sister and daughter. Not a friend or lover. But one who has killed her mate. If anyone ever learned about what had happened...

She could imagine her parents' looks of disbelief and disappointment. Her brother's judgement... Not to mention Gwyn and Nestas. But could she live her life with that lie? She had lied her whole life? Why not continue to do that?

Luna? Nyx's voice came to her. She didn't say anything, not knowing what to say. Luna.

On the summit. She had no energy to move.

"Come inside." Nyx landed behind her. His presents, far greater than before. "You killed him?" Axios's body had started to get covered by the falling snow.

"Yes..." She didn't even recognise her own voice. "I did."

"Then it is over." her brother sounded so... Relaxed. "Mor and Gwyn have winnowed to Velaris. The city is still standing."

"Good..." She had no idea what to do now.

"Come, we will be moving there."

"I can't..." She looked up at her brother. "I can't go back there..."

"Luna." Nyx kneeled down at her side. "Things will be fine, none is mad, we all just want to go home."

"Velaris isn't my home!" Luna raised her voice and stood up. "I have told you that time and time again!"

"Velaris is your home Luna! You can't just deny that!" Nyx stood up too, and his voice changed. Luna gasped as she realised, but before she could ask him he said. "They are alive, but the title passed to me."

"I still can't return." She looked down at Axios' body. Her mate's body. "The things I have done, how can a place like Velaris be worthy of me?" Nyx was her High Lord now, he could grant her the permission to leave.

"It is a place for everyone, even those who see themself as unworthy. Please, just come with me back there until Evalyn can heal fathers wings. Let us all be reunited for a while. And then, if you still feel the need to leave, do that." Nyx took her hand in his. "You don't need to tell them everything yet."

"They will wake up to hear about you and Evalyn. And then they will hear what I have done."

"It will be fine, trust me."

"Will you trust me?" Luna asked back. "Can you trust me?"

"Yes, I always trust you Luna." Nyx's face softened. "Even when I don't, I will trust you."

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