Chapter 15

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Axios looked around, he was one of them who were allowed to follow along to the Spring Court. He, one of his brothers and his father. It was always two of them that followed his father, and the rest stayed behind. His other brothers would stay behind and keep the Darkness around the Night Court. This meeting... Something had made Tamlin rethink the alliance, around the same time as Axios realised where Luna was... And this meeting felt weird... Something was up.

He couldn't tell his father, not without risking exposing himself and the lies...

His father came walking towards him and the rest of his brothers waiting to leave.

"Change of plans. Axios you are the only one to follow me, the rest of you have a different assignment." His voice boomed in the room and his brothers scrambled to get ready.

"What assignment?" Axios asked. The weird feeling was growing.

"Not one you need to be concerned about." His father walked out of the room and Axios followed. "You will come with me, Tamlin already has his eyes on you, and you will be recognised if you go with your brothers."

"I see..." He didn't. Axios' mind was working fast trying to understand what was happening.

"I have received words from Beron that the other High Lords will appear when we are down in the Spring Court, including Nyx. That leaves the camp open and vulnerable for an attack." Axios swallowed. They were going to do it now... With Luna and the son in the room "You and I will be a distraction." He winnowed them to the Spring Court.

"I understand." He needed to talk to Luna, needed to convince her to come to his side. Then maybe... and only maybe that she would forgive him for what his brothers was about to do. His father winnowed them.

The Manor in front of them looked the same as last time, but now the daylight lit it instead of the moon. Tamlin stood on the path way, behind him in a pale pink dress, stood Isa. Or as Axios now guessed. Luna.

He saw some similarities, like her chin and cheek bones, the way she carried her body. Sure she let her shoulders hang forward, but it looked forced. And her eyes... The two light blue ones had the same intense stare as Luna had.

I see you. He sent out. Isa didn't react, instead she walked behind Tamlin like some sort of scared animal. Hoping for the big High Lord to save you? Tamlin and his father started to talk. But Axios only looked at Isa. The blue eyes locked with his.

Staying behind him so I don't rip your head off. She said, the coldness to her words made him shiver.

"Only the two of you?" Tamlin asked. The High Lord looked stressed.

"Yes, this meeting only requires the two of us." his father replied. "Isa, how wonderful to see you again!" His father focused on the female. Unknowing of who she was...

"Isa has a lot of things to do, so I hope you will excuse that she won't be able to attend all of our meetings." Tamlin informed them. Axios just made a subtle shake of his head. She was going to attend, listening in...

Where are the rest of your brothers? She asked, walking slightly behind Tamlin as they all got inside.

I don't know. A lie...

"You will stay in the guest room, second floor. Elia will show you the way." A brown haired female came up to them. "Now, we will see you later at dinner."

Axios followed his father up to the guest room. Finding that two rooms had been prepared.

"If you need anything, just ring the bell and I will come." Elia told them and disappeared.

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