Chapter 24

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She could feel how the earth shook as another of the Darkbringers was killed. Gina had stayed while Azriel was out hunting. She didn't fear for Gina or Azriel, but she did fear for her brother.

"Nyx is hurt." She told Gina. "The same one that he just killed. And... it was the one who killed Noel."

"Shit." Gina looked around, moving her sword around in her hand. Shifted her weight from foot to foot. Luna noticed how the tattoo on Gina's hand, a twin to the one Nyx had, faded into nothing.

"Go, I can't stand a nervus Illyrian like you." Luna told her.

"I am just a bit nervous that my soon to be High Lord is getting himself killed before I have a chance to do it myself." Gina sprinted off just to stop seconds after as a Dakrbringer entered the floor. Luna drew her own sword, but Gina was faster. The male fell down before Luna even had the chance to understand what was happening.

Gina got another one. Luna told her brother. Three remains.

I can count. Nyx said back, she could hear the pain in his voice. How are things going for you?

Fine, fucus. She just walked around, guarding the black mass containing her parents. She didn't know who was still left standing, but she had a feeling. His mind was still there, closed off, but still there...

Axios She tried. Tirian. He dropped the shields.


It is over.

I am still alive. He said back. Why don't you come and find me Luna? Isn't it time for a reunion for real? Or is it Isas face I will see this time too?

Luna looked at the Darkness and then turned towards the door. Walking down stairs and Hallways, and slowly she found herself outside a room that had hunted her in her nightmares for a year. Slowly she entered it, finding herself standing eye to eye with Axios again, the bed was the same, the room... It all looked the same. But she wasn't. Then she had been blinded by a longing for love. And now...

"Have you missed me?" He asked. Almost like this was normal. That she had been gone travelling and now returned.

"No." She held her voice and body calm.

"I know that you have." He smirked, like a cat catching a mouse. "You came back here."

"To save my family."

"Nyx is hurt, he will not lie for long now. The Shadowsinger will be killed soon. And that Female Illyrian too. The only problem now is that you will need to be killed before Nyx goes under." Axios lifted his hand, black smoke fell from it. "I wanted us to live together, Luna, for us to rule the world."

"Why not help us then? Why not warn us?" Luna tried, the Darkness gathered around her feet.

"I debated it." Axios dropped his hand. "But you could also have stayed with me."

"No." Luna blinked, hoping to remain calm. "How could I have stayed when you betrayed me."

"Now you are taking it to the extreme. The plan was there from the start." Axios gestured with his hand. "You were an unknown part of it. Your entire existence forced us to rethink things."

"Forced them, or forced you?" She asked, walking around him in the room. It looked like nothing had changed, like she had just walked out and now returned from a visit to Velaris. And there on the wall...

"Them, and me." Axios followed her. "You, not being a baby, were a chock. And me falling in love-"

"That was not love." Luna spat back. "We had a thing, a crush between two souls that saw some similarities. But not love."

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