Chapter 17

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His Mate was sleeping in his arms, and Nyx tried to also fall asleep, but his mind was racing. The day had started tense, but still good. They had a chance to get everything cleared up, to get back home. To have a peaceful and secure transition of power. And then...

The moment the Darkbringers attacked, and he saw that male holding on to Kira... To hear that they were out to kill Hope... Nyx tightened his grip around Evalyn, just to calm himself down. He had misted that male... A power he didn't even know he had. To his knowledge, it was only High Lords who held that type of power, to turn another to a mist of their own blood... He needed to talk to Amren, or Helion, Or anyone that could help him now. To understand how, and why.

Then it was the final briefing on the meeting, Luna's report had been clear. Escar had planned this, and Axios had figured out that she was Isa. But for some reason he had not told his father... The more Nyx learned about Axios, the more he started to wonder what game Axios was playing, what goals he had. What did he win by not saying anything? He didn't understand it... Nyx closed his eyes, hoping that sleep would come if he just pretended....

It didn't happen, and the night slowly crawled along and Nyx was still awake. The bed was too soft and too hard, the silence too pressing and not quiet enough. He was warm, and cold. Nothing was comfortable, except for the female in his arms.

He had somehow managed to not go full Illyrian male on anyone who looked at her. Mostly do to Gina beating the crap out of everyday in training. But he still craved her, every moment, of every day. He didn't like it, but what choice did he have? He had already ignored the bond, and then the need for so long... Nyx sighed and turned to his back. Ignored was not the right word. If he had approached her last summer, Kira might have turned to a full Illyrain and ripped his balls off to hang on display outside of her tent. And frankly, he had not been ready for that. Not by a long shot.

And thinking back, to deal with the feelings he had now, and the turmoil of trying to understand what was happening. He almost started to laugh. It would have been a catastrophe.

Azriel, broken after being forced to have Gwyn in a coma, Nesta broken from Cassian's sacrifice. Camp filled with survivors depending on them. It had been hard enough. But if he added on this feeling.

Yea, none of them would have survived for long.

Nyx moved again, no way he was getting any sleep tonight. He left the bed and his mate, hoping to get out and do something else.

If I must stay awake, I might as well do something useful. He walked towards the training rings, and not to be surprised. One was already there.

His sister was training alone in the ring, her wings out, hair bound back in a braid. He had never seen her as the one to do things. To train and give it her all... But as she moved and repeated the positions over and over, he was wrong. Nyx held his distance and watched as his sister continued to train. At some point he got aware of the voices in the air, like whispers...

Why do you lie about the fact that you are to blame? His sister's movements got more intense. Why not face that it is your fault?

Why do you lie? Still a whisper, but not as distant or far away.

I don't lie.

But you do. Why not tell him who I am? Luna stopped moving and Nyx hoped she didn't notice that he was hearing this conversation between her and- Axios, what do you have to gain in all of this?

She had told him not long ago that she did hear him, but that she talked to him?


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