Chapter 6

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He had the same suit on as he had on the meeting with Tarquin, and once again he looked like his father. Well partly, his hair was longer, and he had his mother's eyes. But still... It was his fathers face that looked back at him from the reflection, asking him to do good today.

"Da!" Hope called from his leg and Nyx lifted her up. Holding on to her like his life depended on it. All of their Allies had been invited today, the plan for how to move on was going to be made. Hope was meant to stay with Kira, who had asked to not be present. Mostly due to the risk of Tamlin coming. The High Lord of Spring made them all on edge. He was invited, for no words had come from him that the Allies was broken. And at the same time... Why would he show up after Luna had left?

"Kira is here..." Evalyn said and walked up to him. Dressed in the same grey dress from the same meeting.

"One more moment." Nyx was not ready, sure he had held meetings before, but those felt more like child's play compared to this.

"Come to mama." Evalyn lifted Hope from his arms. "I am with you, always."

"I know..." He looked after her as she walked away with Hope. He could do this. I can do this. Pushing his shoulders down and back, trying to summon a smirk like his father, only to fail as he looked more like someone who really needed to shit.

"Let's not..." He told his reflection and let out a breath, relaxing his face hoping that it would work for now.

"Ready?" Evalyn stood behind him again.

"No, but let's go, no need to prolong the suffering."

"You sound so cherefull you know." Evalyn placed a kiss on his cheek. "Truly a ray of sunshine."

"If things get heated-"

"I will leave, take Hope with me and put as much distance between me and six angry High Lords."

"Five." Nyx corrected her.

"I counted you as one." She interlocked her arm with his. "Things will turn out fine." He knew she was saying it more to sound calm. For this type of meeting never turned out fine.

They had arranged to meet in the Day Court, with the plan to travel back to the camp to show how things were if they needed to. Gina and Azriel followed them, and Luna. Dressed in a black gown in traditional Night Court style, courtesy of Kira. His sister had removed her wings for this meeting, the first time she did so since her return.

"No need to rally Helion with three pairs of wings." She had said as Nyx came up to her. "Gina and Azriel will be enough."

"Yes, it will."

Now the group Winnowed to the location and was greeted by a servant who led them to the room for the day. Nyx couldn't deny the way the air grew thicker the closer to the room they came. Meaning that some of the High Lords already were there. Kellias Viviane and Isaac sat at the table, Helion and his antreage too, Thesean with his lover and one of the guards Nyx recognized from the visit there. No one spoke as they sat down, leaving the room to feel even more crowded than it was. He could feel the shields from the Winter Court strengthen at Luna's presents, but other than that no one showed any reaction. Evalyns hand rested on his leg, calming him down as they waited.

Tarquin with his two cousins and Amren came next, and thank the cauldron Amren was quick to break the presing silence.

"I have been to war meetings with less tension." She said and sat down next to Varian. "Heck even torture sessions."

"Not funny." Varian tried but Amren didn't stop.

"We can act like this is some serious, world changing thing. But no. We are here to just show our support for Nyx, and come up with a plan to stop the Darkbringers from taking over anything else." Amren crossed her arms. Signalling that she was done.

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