Chapter 7

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Luna, I know that you are in my head, and while I understand why, I recommend that you focus on the room. This will be the start to the end. Elain said and held Luna's eyes.

What is happening?

Everything. Elain smiled as she said it.

"Fuck!" Lucien's scream forced Luna back into the room. One word came from everyone.

Fuck. She agreed. Seeing Eris and Tamlin on the floor wrestling like some mad males was something she hadn't planned on. And worse, Eris was still singing those songs.

"Stop!" Lucines attempts to stop the fight didn't work. Luna's mind moved closer to his, and she gasped. Eris shields were out or burning hot stone and lava. Lucines... Light... Like... She looked over to Helion. Elains smile grew.

Do you understand? now Luna continued to look between them and then she gave up. Her mental hands took a hold of Tamlin and Eris, forcing them to stop.

"Stop, get back to your seats. Nyx, ask if Evalyn can come back, they need a healer. Azriel, relax." She let her powers flow as she spoke. "Now, all of us can just relax, take it easy..." Shoulders dropped as she said it. She still held on to Eris and Tamlins mind, making it impossible for them to move.

"Let go." Tamlin spat at her. His rage is on full display.

"Not until I know that you won't try to kill someone." Luna held her voice calm, despite her racing heart.

"Bitch!" Eris screamed, fighting against her grip, but to no avail.

"Just don't, and everything will be better." Luna held her eyes on the autumn Court heir. "Now, what are you here? How did you get past the guards? And before anyone asks, no, I am not forcing anything out of him or changing his answers."

"I am here with information from the Darkbringers, I know where they are holding  Rhys and Feyre. They are alive. hurt, but alive. They have a plan to kill a Lightbringer among you. I came here via a passage my mother once used when she visited." Everyone looked to the High Lord of the Day Court. 

"How do you know about that one?" Helion sat down, defeated.

"She told me." Eris bowed his head. "I needed to come here fast, and it was unguarded."

"What did you say about our parents?" Nyx asked at Luna's side. "Have you seen them?"


"Show us." Luna didn't realise how small her voice was. She had now let go of his mind, and just saw the images he sent.

Her mother chained to the floor, sitting on her knees, no blood, no visible injuries, just trapped in a darkness. And then her father... Her stomach twisted when she saw his wings. Nyx' must have done the same, for he turned away from the table and threw up.

Classy. She told him. But she felt the same. Then she turned back to Elain. What have you seen? Her aunt looked back at Eris.

"Tell us more Eris, why was your mother here? Or maybe you, Helion, can answer that?"

Why is she focusing on that? Nyx asked.

She said that everything will happen now... Luna sat down. Still holding on to Tamlins mind.

"The rumours are true, she... She often came here, and we had an affair." Helion confeced. Luna looked back at Lucien.

No way... Her brohter said. 

"It ended after she became pregnant." Now Lucien must have understood what he was saying for he got up from his chair.

"Is that why I can feel and see spells around me? Why my Flame is weak but power still fills my veins?" He asked. Helion nodded.

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