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Starfall had arrived once more, and with that the sorrow Feyre had in her chest. This used to be an event of fun, music and dance. But in the last thirty years, it had become an event that only reminded her of her missing Daughter. Luna had left and not returned. Not a whisper in the wind, not a letter or faint touch on her mind. Gone, her daughter was gone.

Feyre stod in the room getting ready, remembering all the times she had done so with Luna. Only to leave her daughter alone as Feyre herself took part in the festivities. Guilt ate at her, forcing Feyre to pause and sit down. This wasn't how it was meant to be.

"Feyre Darling?" Rhys entered the room, dressed and ready. Feyre looked up at her mate, they had fought over this before, she didn't want to do it again.

"It is hard." Feyre told him and got up, trying to get ready again.

"I know..." Rhsy wrapped his arms and wings around her, "it is hard for me too." Feyre had no words to say, not right now. She had screamed, cried and argued before. Right now... All she asked for was a moment of this, silence and comfort.

"We should go." She said as the sun started to set.

"We can wait..." Rhys still held his arms around her. "Nyx and Evalyn will be late." Feyre turned her head up towards him. Her son and his Mate had not held a ceremony, and everytime one of them asked the answer had been the same. That now was not the time. Feyre closed her eyes, taking in the scent of her mate. "A patient up in the camp took a little longer than expected." Rhys took her back to the room. While Nyx now held the Title of High Lord, Feyre was still High Lady, leaving her to take care of Velaris, and her son took care of the rest of the Night Court lands. Dealing with the Illyrians, Hewn and all relations outside of the territory.

"He didn't tell me." It was unusual that Nyx didn't inform her about any changes. But with Evalyn working hard in the Camps, it wasn't unbelievable.

"He just told me." Rhys released his grip on her. "Mor have done the planning, no one will miss us until midnight."

"I don't think Azriel and Gwyn will stay for so long." Gwyn was heavily pregnant, with only weeks, if not days from her due date. Something that made Azriel far more on edge than usual. It had at points been so bad that Feyre had been forced to ask Azriel to leave Velrais, and his duties to the Court to just relax around his mate.

"It doesn't matter." Rhsy said. "We can stand here alone for a moment..."

"I stood here with her for a moment every year, and she always asked me when she was allowed up there..." Feyre told him. "Later she had Evalyn and Kira, but we kept her from this..." Feyre looked back up, seeing the light from the party and the guests waiting for her.

"You staying here for an hour more will not disrespekt Luna..." Rhys said. "Going up there and not fully enjoying our night will." Feyre finished her hair and looked over herself one last time in the mirror.

Dressed in one of Kira's creations for the night. A similar fabric to the dress she had carried on that first Starfall, but cut to fit her new body better. The seamstress had moved to the Summer Court full time, but she was the Inner Circles first choice when something needed to be made. This dress being one of them, being ordered the first Starfall back. Feyre had tried on the old one, realising that two children and over a year in the Darkness had made her uncomfortable in the dress. Not that it didn't fit her... It just didn't feel right. Kira had been right on it, searching for months for a similar fabric before finding the one the new dress was made up of. Similar, but not the same.

"I always hope she returns on a night like this." Feyre confessed and took her Mates arm. "The last thing I want is to miss her return."

"Then let us go Darling." Rhys returned the gesture and winnowed them to the House of Winds. Landing in the small clearing, made to make travelling there easier.

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