Chapter 13

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She wasn't sure when Nyx had winnowed them to his tent, or when both of their shirts had come off. Not that she really cared right now. All that existed was her mate, and the bond that pulled them together.

She had wrapped her legs around him at some point, giving in to the growing need that had built and built inside of her for a year. Nyx kissed her jaw, making her moan and lose her train of thought. It didn't matter why, she just needed it. He put her down, breaking the kiss for a moment. Evalyn was sure her heart was beating loud enough for the entire camp to hear.

"Wards are up..." A whisper from Nyx. "Are you sure you want this?"

"I have no food to offer, but yes." Evalyn said back, her hands resting in his hair. Sure, it was long now, but she loved it... She loved everything about him.

"Yes..." He kissed her again and they tumbled down on the bed, her on top. Her hands removed his pants, and then her own, leaving them completely bare for one another.

It was not that she hadn't seen him before. But now Evalyn let herself look. Nyx was a warrior, and his body showed that. The tattooed form the Rite over his shoulders and arms. The toned body. The short pause allowed her to slow down as her hands traced over his body. Feeling everything... His own hands did the same, travelling up and down her spine. The slower pace made her head clear, made every touch and kiss more intimate. She kissed down his torso, travelling lower and lower...

"Shit..." Nyx grabbed her hand. "I don't take a tonic..." Evalyn just smiled.

"That is no problem right now..." Or for the coming fifteen to twenty years.


"Sure." She kissed him again. "Are you comfortable with continuing?" he had never done this before, but she had. She knew what she liked and didn't.

"Yes..." Nyx's hands framed her face again. "Just don't laugh."


It was Evalyn that took the lead the first round, allowing for Nyx to learn. But then, at some point during the night, they worked as one. Sure they tried to stop to sleep, but it just ended up with his fingers inside of her, or her on top of him again. Evalyn had had good sex, but this need, this desire... It was something else... It was a craving, a hunger, a thirst, one that didn't get satisfied from any food or drink.

She was laying on his chest, spent, exhausted and happy. Nyx's hands were playing with her hair. Her body relaxed to a whole new level. Right now, they were satisfied for the moment. Outside the tent the sun had started to rise. Life was about to start again...

"How long can we stay here?" She asked, and moved closer to Nyx.

"I don't know..." He moved her head up so she faced him. "Haven't had enough?" He teased, his hand lifted her chin.

"Of you? Or sleep?" Evalyn said back, kissing his lips.


"No... I haven't..." Not enough sleep, not enough of him. Just by kissing him now made the need inside of her wake up again.

The morning continued and the two mates didn't leave the tent, the bubble they had created for themself left them isolated from the stress, questions and worries in their lives. They both needed this, and worked to get the worst edge out of their system. Even if the desired build back up in just moments of them looking at one another. A drug, a need... When was the last time she ate something?

"We can move in with you..." Evalyn whispered, looking on as Nyx washed himself after the last round. "Me and Hope... To make things easier..." For him, and for herself...

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