Chapter 19

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She knew that time worked differently in the darkness. That hours could be days, minutes or just seconds. As they flew in silence Luna hoped to keep track of time, but she gave up after the third stop. No sun existed to help them, no shadows that grew as the day passed. Nothing.

Azriel was the one leading, his shadows could see in the Darkness and guided them forward. Luna flew behind him, the lights of the minds in Hewn a steady present in her head. Gina and Nyx flew behind her. Gina with her sword drawn, Nyx with his powers resting under the surface of his skin.

They didn't talk, just gestured, and if they needed both Luna and Nyx talked mine to mind. With their hearing weakened, no one wanted to make unnecessary sounds that could hide an attack. Luna looked around, her hand close to the knives she had strapped to her waist and thigh. The leathers kept her warm as she moved, the last weeks of hard training had paid off, even if she was tired and sleep still only came in short moments.

Azriel started to sink down towards the ground, and the three of them followed. Gliding down to land as soft and quiet as possible.

We will take some rest. Azriel told them. We should be around three days in, meaning that we have about half a day left to Hewn. He opened his bag and placed a map on the ground.

It doesn't feel like it has been three days... Nyx said. Luna scanned the map, seeing the mountaintops that mark the valley they had landed in.

It feels longer. Gina hunched down over the map too. This place is weird.

That is one way to describe it. Luna said back. Will we go into Hewn from above or below? Aziel took out a new map, or more a drawing he had made of Hewn City and the Moonstone palace above it.

From the start I was planning on going on from below. But that will force us to sneak around the dundgunes and great hall. Something that even I am struggling with from time to time. He pointed with a scared finger at the Moonstone palace. We can enter from above, but that will mean that we need to fly very close to the edge of the Darkness.

That is a big risk. Nyx said. Taping at the map. One wrong move and it is over. Luna nodded and started to think.

I think mom and dad are up there. In the Moonstone palace, from what Axios showed me. So if we risk going nere the edge, the chances of us going in, finding them and going out undetected is greater. She pointed to the chamber untup of the palace.

We have a balcony entrance here. Azriel pointed to an opening. It can be our way in and out.

How do we know that the palace is not warded? Gina asked. She had sheltered her sword now.

I don't know about the other openings, but this one is warded to not be closed. Azriel removed his hand. To allow for guests, and for others to leave fast.

Sounds like a dream for an assassin. Luna commented. Seeing the marked balcony.

It is, Rhys has put up wards there to detect someone entering, but he is the one connected to them. I have no idea if those can be transferred to the Darkbringers.

We can think about it during the night, and make a decision tomorrow before we fly the last leg. Nyx decided. I can take the first watch.

Luna nodded, knowing that she wouldn't be able to sleep. But she could pretend to sleep. Gina and Azriel both fell asleep moments after, while Luna laid down with her back against her brother. She slowed her breathing, hoping to fool him into believing she also had entered sleep.

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