Chapter 16

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One moment, everything was quiet and calm. She and Nyx had been waiting in the tent as Luna gave her brother updates in the meeting. Hope stayed with Kira. Outside the sounds of life in the camps continued on like nothing. She could hear the sounds from the training rings, from the fiers. The few children living in the camps were out playing. Wing beats from the Illyrians. She had her hand in Nyxs, hoping to keep him calm as the meeting continued.

Then all sound disappeared. Evalyn didn't even hear her own heartbeat. Nyx's eyes had widened in fear. Just before any of them understood what happened, the screaming started. The same screams that Evalyn had heard that day when the survivors came to the Camp.

She had called to her powers, a soft light surrounding her, and with that she and Nyx left the tent, only to enter a world in chaos.

Darkness made its way through the tents like a snake, Fae and Illyrians screamed once the darkness came close to them. She saw her mother help injured Fae, she saw the glow from red, green and blur shiphons in the sky. Finding Azriel, Cassian and Gina there.

"I never cleared him for flying." She muttered between closed teeth.

"Just try to keep Cassian in bed during a fight." Nyx had said back. His own powers spreading out. "Darkbringers... two of them..." He took of, leaving her on the ground. Evalyn had called to more of her powers. The light kept the darkness at bay, then a chilling thought came over her mind...

Hope. She had started to run. Kira! She made her way towards the tent. A distance usually short, now felt like an ocean. From the sky she saw Illyrians diving down to get High Fae from the darkness. But the tent with her friend and Daughter... Nyx landed in front of her. Her eyes showed the same fear that filled her heart.

Nothing had been left untouched. Furniture, splintered. Fabric ripped apart. And in the middle of it all. A male holding Kira by the throat. No sign of Hope...

"Tell me, where is the child?" The male demanded.

"Never..." Kiras' broken voice said back.

"Then-" It ended then and there. In the blink of an eye the male disappeared in a mist of blood. Kira fell to the ground. And Evalyn ran towards her. The layer of blood didn't matter as she held onto her friend's face. Her hands glowing with the light of her powers, healing the bruised skin, and cuts... Nyx hadn't moved an inch behind her. But the raw power that came from him filled the tent. Once more, scales started to grow over his body. But this time, Evalyn didn't feel scared.

"She is with Sadri..." Kira said and rested her head against Evalyn. "She came and took her to the sky..."

Evalyn started to cry together with her friend. Holding her close. Relife, gratitude, fear... She didn't even know the name of the feelings flowing through her body right then and there... But Nyx was there, and he had protected them.

"The other one is gone too..." Nyx said. Evalyn nodded, still holding on to Kira.

"The camp is secured." Azriel's voice came from behind them. Nyx arms came around them. The blood was everywhere...

"You mist him..." She said, not turning towards her mate.

"Yes... And I have idea how..." He rested his head against hers. "But I did."

"Go, find Sadri..." Kira told them. "I need to wash off..."

"Can you stay here?" Nyx whispered in her ear. "I can find Hope, just... Stay here." He was shaking, just like her.


The two friends started to wash off the blood, throwing the clothes to get burned. Evalyn knew that Nyx had found Sadri and Hope when the bond between them was filled with relife. Neither of them spoke as they took care of the blood. Not when they started to clean up the mess in the tent. Or well, what could be saved. Most of it was lost too the destruction. It wasn't until hours later that Kira broke down. She sat on the floor crying. Evalyn did the same, sitting at her friend's side.

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