Chapter 27

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"Five bones left..." Evalyn leaned her head against his shoulder. His beautiful Mate looked exhausted. Five days... For five days, she had worked on healing his father. "No nerves are damaged, no tendons..."

"Take your time..." Nyx kissed her temple. "No rush..."

"I can hear them too, you know." She said, gesturing to the door and the passing of footsteps outside. "It is almost like visits to labouring mothers..."

"That is one way to put it." Nyx smiled and buried his nose in her hair. "Do you need a break?"

"No..." Evalyn moved forwards, focusing on the next bone.

In the beginning Nyx had held his own wings out, allowing her to study them as a reference, but as she needed to reabreake the bones to make sure they healed right, Nyx had been forced to remove them. Mostly due to the phantom pain he felt in solidarity, or maybe he picked up from his father. Instead they had searched the entire house for his mother's paintings and sketches. Finding some he wished to be erased from his memory. Now the notes and sketches laid spread out around them, allowing Evalyn to have a reference as she worked on the wings

The bone snapped, and then the light started to glow. Nyx swallowed as his Mate worked slowly and carefully to realign the bones. Four bones left. She moved to the next, and then the next.

Two more... Nyx told his sister. Not long after the footsteps outside of the door stopped.

Will you wake them today? Luna asked back.

"Will we wake them after?" Nyx asked Evalyn. Who once more took a pause before doing the last ones.

"Maybe... Feyre will probably wake before Rhys once I let go of the magic." His mother laid on the other side of the bed. "It is best if you and Luna are here then..." Nyx nodded, and watched as Evalyn moved to the next to last bone.

"How long will it take for them to wake up after?"

"An hour. A day... Week. Hard to tell." She drew a breath. One bone left. "Never, and I mean it, never put me in a position where I need to do this to you." A warning.

"I promise." Even with his wings gone, a phantom pain moved through him at the thought of breaking a bone in them. Evalyns hands stopped glowing. "I am done..." Her breath trembled.

"You have done what you can." Nyx held on to her, hoping to give her strength.

"He may still be in pain... I may have missed something..."

"No. I know you, you have not missed anything." Nyx kissed her. "Rest now my love."

"Like I can do that while we wait-'' Someone moved and she stopped talking. "Already..." Nyx saw how his mother twisted in her sleep.

Luna, come in here. Now! Nyx let go of Evalyn, running over to his mothers side. "Mom?" He had so much to tell her, so much to share. Had she heard his last words that day? Did she know?

"Feyre is waking up." Evalyn said as Luna entered the room behind him. "Call for me if I am needed." The door closed. Luna sat down at his side, looking between him and their mother.

"Mom?" Nyx asked again, maybe she had just been sleeping.

"Nyx?" Her hand moved around his. "Rhys?" Her eyes opened and she looked around.

"Hey! Hey!" Both siblings rose, helping their mother to calm down as she looked around in panic. "He is here... You are safe. It is over." Nyx told her. Feyre continued to look around.

"How... How long..."

"One year, six months, two weeks and three days." Luna said. Taking her brother by surprise.

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