Chapter 14

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Somehow, she almost liked to return to the Spring Court, to down the glamuring and become Isa again, but this time she let her stronger body show. And the insecure, nervus Isa disappeared. She walked towards the manor with a confident swing in her steps. The dress she had on one of Kira's making, pale blue, silk bodies, and layers of layers of chiffon in the skirts and arms. The blue made her eyes pop even more. Sure she was here to play the part of Tamlins fiance, well, technically she was that still. Not that he ever would have her walking down an aisle towards him.

That is one part of my mother's history I will not repeat. She told herself and stopped in front of the great doors.

I hate this. Her brother's voice said in her head. Can't we just fake Isa's death and have the Darkbringer come down for a funeral?

We will need Tamlin on our side, this is the best way. Luna told him and knocked. And this time you know where I am.

Not helpful.

Relax. The door swung open and Elia stood there. The brown haired and eyes female looked at her first with relife, then with disgust.

"Traitor." She said and showed her the way inside.

"I am not sure that name is appropriate." Luna said, facing the Spring High Lord who stood in the stairs.

"How lovely of you to return home after a visit with your last remaining family." Tamlin was a bad, no, a terrible actor.

"It is good to be back." Luna walked up to him and let him kiss her hand. His mental defences were easy to slip by, rose thorns may hurt when you touch them, but they left a lot of holes one could use to . So how many knows?

Just the two of us.

You really like to keep up a facade? Luna wrapped her arms around him, faking a deep kiss.

Get out of my head.

But I live here Baby. Luna grinned at him and took a step back. "I am so tired after travelling." She announced. I guess you and I will need to have an undisturbed talk in your office later on.

"Yes, of course, go to our room dear, and I will join you soon." Yes. Luna left his mind and walked up the stairs.

Our room, he had said, meaning that she was expected to sleep in the same general area as him. She stopped the instinct to gag.

In the time she had lived here, she had played, accepted the fate she had chosen. Hated it, yes. But she had accepted it. Now... She knew that it was just a temporary thing, and she could play it out. But it was just that, an act, a role to play.

"Pink is more suitable for the Spring court." Tamlin said behind her once he entered the room. The familiar click of shields falling into place came over them.

"I have just been in my home court, where light blues is the main colour." Luna said back. "And it fits my skin tone better."

"I need to look strong in front of my court." Tamlin then said. "The plan will be simpel. Isa is a fragile female, play that part."

"I will."

"Look that part." Luna's stomach twisted.

"I can't go to the exact same state as before. Not in days." She told him. "But I will try."

"Good, The Darkbringers think that they are coming here for a visit to discuss a potential alliance. The other High Lords will come on the third day."

"I see."

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