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Okay, before we begin:

This is book 3 of the Love and Family series. These books will follow Nyx and Luna as adults. (Luna is my character) Topics such as loneliness, shame, trauma, abuse, sex, self-harming behavior will be touched upon. But I will avoid graphic descriptions. There will be swearing, and foul language.

English is not my first language, so I use Translate for spelling sometimes. Have some tools to help me with grammar. But there will be misses, apologize for that in advance.

This is my own work created within SJM's books. I will try to stick to rules that have been established before. But differences can occur. The prologue will be up before the rest of the chapters come. I do this to have time to find and correct as many spelling mistakes as I can. We'll see how it goes.

 The Prologue will be posted tomorow, and the rest will come as one chapter a day in May.

Book 1: Love and Family

Book 2: Shame and Allies

Book 3: Trust and Enemies


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