Chapter 22

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Summer had started to pass, and the first signs of autumn had started to show. They had been gone for weeks now, and she tried to remind herself that time worked differently in the Darkness. Meaning that just because they haven't heard anything from them yet, didn't mean things had gone wrong. Evalyn sat on a rock looking at the black wall in front of her. Behind her most of the camp had been taken down. All surviving Fae had moved to other Courts, and most of the Illyrians had joined the Dawn Courts arial forces. Just in case a battle was coming. Only a handful of tents remain.

Nyx's, now hers, Cassians and Nestas, Mor and Emeries, Azriel and Gwyn's. Surprisingly her mother had chosen to stay, while her father and Madja had gone to the Dawn Court. And lastly. Oven and Sadri had stayed.

"We stand by you, we always will." Sadri had said when Evalyn asked why they stayed. "And you will need all the support you can get now."

If things went as planned they could be on their way back now, entering the light and camp any day. And if things didn't go as planned...

Cassian had said that they could wait for three months, then they all needed to leave the area. And that meant that she needed to leave it all behind her. Hope, her home, her friends. She would need to be hiding for the rest of her life.

Evalyn felt down the bond, knowing that Nyx was there on the other side, far away, blocked off, but still there. Alive... Her powers started to rise to the surface, making her hands glow as the balls of light hoverd in the air. The usual calming effect was left out as the balls faded and Evalyn focused back on the Darkness in front of her.

Has she seen him for the last time? Had she said her last goodbye to her mate? That last night they had shared together was a memory she kept close to her heart. They had loved, and talked, and held each other like the world depended on it. And in some ways it did.

She hadn't cried, but not smiled either. Nyx had held onto her and whispered words of love. And now...

They had so little time...

She dreamed of centuries together. Time to see the world, to live, love and laugh. To raise a family of their own. Once she was ready again. She was ready to stand by his side the day Rhys and Feyre passed, and he needed to take over the crown. She was ready to be the High Lady of the Night Court one day. And now... A few thousand survivors spread out over the Courts. A small group loyal to Nyx and her. A life not filed with wonder, but with fear.

"Hey." Gwyn said behind her. Waking her up from her thoughts. "Are you alright?"

"No..." Evalyn turned towards the female. "But I am managing."

"Good... Sadri made dinner." Gwyn gestured towards the tent. "And it is way better than Cassian's rabbit stew."

"I still think roasted squirrels are the worst." Evalyn said back and got up with a huff. Her body had become stiff after sitting still in the chill air. "How are you doing?"

"Managing..." Gwyn echoed and they walked back to the fire, and Sadris food. The others soon gathered around as dinner was served.

Owen held on to Sawan and tried to get him to eat, but the one year old refused to take the food and reached for his mother instead. Nesta sat with Maddy at her breast already, balancing her daughter while she herself got some food. Evalyn focused on her food, trying to now think about all the things she had missed with her own daughter.

"How do you do it?" Sadri asked and lifted Sawn to her knee. "I have never mastered eating and feeding him at the same time."

"Luck, she refused to let go for days on end in the beginning so I just learned how to do it." Nesta said back.

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