Chapter 3

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~Marinette's POV~

We ate in silence, he barely ate anything he kept looking at me.

My finger hurt but I don't think it's broken, so that's good.

I just kept eating and tried to ignore him but it was hard, he stares at me with such hateful eyes.

"Are you done eating" he said in a calm voice. Is he blind? I'm clearly still eating.

"" I said still eating, I made eye contact with him and he smiled, when I saw that smile I quickly looked away.

"Why don't we go to my place after lunch" he said changing his mood completely.

" I don't want to go, thank you" I said looking down at my food.

"I wasn't asking you dear, I was telling you" he said with a innocent smile on his face.

"My husband should be here any moment to pick me up so I'm not going anywhere" i said and right as i finished the sentence my phone rang, it was Adrien.

I picked it up immediately as Xiu was looking at me curiously, wondering what my next move might be.

"Hello my beauti-" Adrien began saying but I cut him off.

" Just get inside please" I said fast then hang up.

I'm sure Adrien is confirmed but I'll explain everything home, right now I just want to leave this place and never see this man in my life, he scares me to death.

Just then Adrien entered the restaurant, he looked around in confusion then smiled when he saw me.

I waved at him smiling nervously, he saw my nervousness and came to me right away.

As he got closer Xiu turned around, Adrien was a little surprised to see a man sitting in front of me.

" Hello Mr Adrien Agreste, I am Xiu Shing Hu miss Marinette's new partner" Xiu said standing up and extended his hand.

"'s nice to meet you" Adrien said smiling.

" You have a wonderful wife, she's a very talented designer" Xiu said shaking Adrien's hand.

" Thank you, she truly is wonderful" Adrien said smiling, why is that man so nice to my husband, three minutes ago he was so angry and now he is calm and happy.

" Marinette, sweetie, what's wrong?" Adrien asked when he saw how pale I was.

" She is really tired" Xiu said looking me directly in my eyes, I couldn't find my words, I only nodded and kept my eyes on the floor.

" I bet she is, then we will get going" Adrien said putting a hand on my shoulder, he can see that I'm uncomfortable.

" No please, take a seat, there is plenty of food. Join us" Xiu said and Adrien sat down next to me, smiling.

My husband took a pair of chopsticks and began eating from my plate, he liked it a lot.

They talked and laughed like they are best friends, Adrien really seems to like this guy...

I putted my hand on his leg, Adrien looked at me confused as I kept looking at the floor.

He seemed to understand what I was trying to do and he putted his hand over mine.

" Thank you for this great time Xiu but I guess it's time to go home" Adrien said smiling at him, they talked for at least 2 hours.

"That is ok Adrien, it was a pleasure meeting you. You can go ahead I'll pay for everything" Xiu said smiling at my husband, then look at me for a second before looking at Adrien again.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now