Chapter 4

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~Marinette's POV~

I tried sleeping but I just couldn't do it, every time I close my eyes I see Xiu in front of me smiling.

I looked at Adrien who was deep asleep in my arms. His head was on my chest and I could see a small smile on his lips.

I kissed his head gently then closed my eyes again, I'll keep trying to get some sleep, I'm really tired but I can't sleep.

After I closed my eyes, I tried to think about something else, like my family or friends or my 3 days off.

I can relax in those 3 days, I can have some alone time with my dear husband and I can go see my parents.

Suddenly Adrien hugged me, he took me into his arms, now I was laying on his chest.

I looked at him and saw that his eyes were almost closed, he was looking at me with a smile on his lips.

"Try to get some sleep too m'lady, you look tired" he said kissing my forehead.

I blushed a little before closing my eyes again, his embrace is so warm.

I tried to relax my body completely and after that I fell asleep to the sound of my husband's heartbeats.

I had a peaceful sleep, I haven't slept this good in weeks. My kitty was holding me so tight too, even tho he was sleeping he still held me close to him.

We slept for at least four hours, when we got up it was already dark outside.

"It's so late already..." I said looking out the window.

"Who cares m'lady, we can stay up all night you are free tomorrow" my kitty said hugging me from behind.

" But you still have a photoshoot, I don't want you to be tired" I said turning around to hug him too.

"Who cares about my photoshoot? You're my wife! You're far more important then a photoshoot" he said and and kissed me passionately, I melted into the kiss, his lips are so soft and warm, he is also an amazing kisser.

I'm so lucky to have him as my husband, we separated and he looked into my eyes with pure love.

"You have no idea how much I love you" Adrien said kissing my forehead, I blushed like crazy when he said that.

I wanted to say something too but after he said that I lost my words. I started stammering and blushing and Adrien started laughing.

I felt embarrassed and started blushing even more, when Adrien saw my face he burst out laughing like there was no tomorrow.

"Stop it Adrien!" I yelled at him still blushing like crazy.

"I'm sorry my love but you are so cute! I can't stop laughing when I see that adorable blush of yours" my husband said still laughing.

" I hate you" i said in a whisper.

" No you don't, I know you love me" Adrien said smirking, that's true, even if I want to hate him I can't, he means too much for me.

In that moment Adrien took me into his strong arms and threw me on the bed.

"What are you doing mon chaton?" I asked confused, he threw me on the bed kind of hard.

"Since it's already dark outside and you don't have to go to work tomorrow, maybe we can work on the 'baby project' " Adrien said smiling, I can see that he's a little embarrassed and shy.

" Baby project? Since when are we calling it that?" I asked giggling.

"Since now, i came up with the name all by myself" my sweet husband said proudly.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now