Chapter 19

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~Adrien's POV ~

I was brought back to the police station, fortunately Xiu didn't press charges for assault but...

That mother fucker wants a restraining order, which means I can't get close to him.

Just great... exactly what I needed now...

I know he kidnapped Marinette and I can't get close to him, if I do I could be locked up in jail for God knows how long.

This whole situation is such a mess...

I now know who kidnapped Marinette, I know who has her and who tortured her but I can't get close to him.

I could get close to him as Chat Noir but I'm sure I'll kill Xiu if I see him again.

And if that monster gets hurt the police will automatically start questioning me because they now know that I hate Xiu Shing Hu.

Ugh! What am I going to do now...? I can't save her... She suffered so mush and I'm sure she's still suffering.

I literally know who has her and I can't do anything about it!

It angers me!

Not to mention that no one believes me! They all think I'm overreacting.

Funny enough the only person that is on my side is father...

And I don't want his help but I feel like he is the only one who can help me...

I'm lost...

I'm losing my mind without my wife beside me, I literally don't know what to do.

I don't know how to save her without getting in trouble with the police.

And that damn police! I thought they were going to help but all they did was make things worst.

They don't do their jobs properly, they don't trust me and overall they are just idiots.

This whole situation is so messed up... I wish I could just turned back in time and save my princess...

But I can't do that...well... technically I can, we have the bunny miraculous but I don't think Marinette would like that idea.

I also don't know what consequences will appear. Like what if I travel back in time to save my lady from getting kidnapped and the consequence is that we aren't married anymore.... I can't risk that...

Time travel is no Bunnyx didn't get involved in this so I guess all of this shit that happened is supposed to happen.

I finally returned home, after I stayed two hours at the police station.

Xiu made a restraining order against me and now I can't get close to him at all.

Those police officers give that monster everything he wanted and they think I'm the crazy one in all of this.

I sighed sitting on the bed, the house is so lifeless...

I hate staying home just brings back memories with my lady...

I changed my clothes and sat back on the bed, closing my eyes, trying to sleep a hour or two.

I haven't slept in days so I am exhausted....but of course as soon as I putted my head on the pillow, my phone rang.

I sighed getting annoyed, i got up from bed to look who had disturbed me from my sleep.

It was father....

I guess he head about the restraining order...

Without thinking straight I picked up.

"Hello? Good evening father" my voice sounds horrible, I'm sleep deprived and on a lot of emotional pain and anger.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now