Chapter 7

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~Marinette's POV~

I couldn't sleep at all. I just sat on the bed looking at the ceiling and listened to Adrien's quiet snoring.

I was excited when my alarm rang, I got up and close it, usually Adrien is the one who gets up to close it and he'll let me sleep a little bit more.

My husband looked to confused and worried when he saw that I was awake and got up before him.

"Are you ok m'lady? Do you have a fever?" Adrien asked smirking.

"What does that suppose to mean Mister Handsome!" I said blushing, God that smirk of his is so hot.

"Nothing my gorgeous wife" Adrien said sighing dreamily then got up and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday" I said hugging him back tightly.

"It's ok m'lady, you were just stressed" he said then kissed my head.

"Yeah...but I shouldn't have yelled at you like that" I said in a sad tone burying my head into his shoulder.

"It's all in the past now my love" he said sitting on the bed and putting me on his lap.

I snuggled into his warm chest, he's so wonderful. He understands and accepts me the way I am.

"You have a photoshoot today" i said remembering that I am free but he is busy today.

"I know Marinette, but it will be a quick one and it's in the park near your parents bakery" he said smiling warmly at me.

"I could go visit them, I haven't seen my parents in a while, maybe we'll stay for dinner" I said thinking about how happy my parents will be to see me.

"Mmm, Ms Dupain-Cheng's cooking" Adrien said thinking about my mother's delicious food.

As my husband though about for, his stomach started rumbling and grumbling. I giggled when I heard those noises.

" Ok my prince let's get you something to eat, you look and sound really hungry" I said giggling, feeling happy that we got over our fight from last night.


After we ate Adrien went to our bedroom and sat down on the bed, relaxing before his photoshoot.

And I stayed in the kitchen to clean up the mess we made. I always have to stay behind to clean up, I don't mind but it would be nice to have some help.

I sighed, finishing washing the dishes. I looked at the clock, 11:03 AM, good we still have two hours until Adrien has to leave but he needs to start getting ready, he can't be late.

I walked into our bedroom to see Adrien sitting on the bed looking at his phone.

"Adrien go take a shower, you need to start getting ready" I said crossing my arms.

" Don't worry m'lady I still have a lot of time" he said still looking at his phone.

I walked to him and took the phone from his hands, he was texting Nino.

"Shower. Now" i said pointing to the bathroom. Past time we were late for his photoshoot I was the one getting yelled at, Gabriel said that it was my fault.

"Fine...but only if you join me" Adrien said getting up and took me into his strong arms.

"W-what?! No Adrien put me down" I said blushing like crazy, if we went to the shower together we will definitely be late! Because we'll start washing each other then kiss then- ugh! We can't do that now!

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now