Chapter 30

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Ten years had passed, now Marinette and Adrien are 33 years old.

A long time had passed since Marinette last saw Xiu, the monster that kidnapped her and tortured her everyday.

But now she's finally happy and free from all his doings. She understands that everything that happened isn't her fault, so after all those years she actually got over the kidnapping, with the help of therapy, and she enjoys living again.

She's happy living together with her handsome husband, the love of her life, Adrien Agreste.

Adrien is a wonderful husband that helped his wife in every way possible.

He encouraged her to go to therapy and thanks to him Marinette's mind is at peace.

They love each other and they are stronger than ever.

After years and years of trying Marinette couldn't get pregnant.

Two of her remaining eggs got destroyed,  her body couldn't take it.

They both suffered, especially now that there was only one egg and the probability of that egg getting destroyed as well was very high.

But the third egg was....
It was special.
It was a miracle.

Marinette didn't get pregnant with one baby and she didn't get pregnant with two babies...oh no no.

Marinette had three babies, she had triplets.

It was biologically impossible, no doctor understood how she had triplets....but she did.

Adrien was extremely happy, he cried for three days straight, they were happy tears of course.

Marinette had a really hard pregnancy, it was horrible. She was always in pain and her pregnancy was at high risk.

But she did it. She delivered through Caesarean section three healthy babies.

A girl that they named Emma and two boys Louis and Hugo.

Louis was the first born and after two minutes Emma was born too, after four minutes Hugo was also born.

Louis has Marinette's hair and Adrien's eyes. He was an independent person that looked after himself. He loved his parents very much but he would prefer to do things on his own.

Emma has Adrien's hair and Marinette's eyes. She was a daddy's girl, she adored her father and always wants to be with him, of course she loved her mother too.

And Hugo was a copy of Marinette. He looked exactly like her, dark hair and blue eyes. He, of course, was a mommy's boy. He always wants to be in his mother's presence, he loved to give her kisses and hugs, he of course loved his father too.

They finally have their beautiful and happy family.

They are finally happy.


~Marinette's POV ~

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