Chapter 22

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~Adrien's POV~

A massive search was held for Marinette. But there was still no sign of her.

This time the police was really serious, they made the search internationally.

So if Xiu ran to another country he would be caught there as well.

I still hope that she's in Paris tho...she must be so scared, I still feel extremely guilty for what happened and I'll never forgive myself for being so stupid.

Four more days had passed since Xiu ran away, which is not good.

I don't know how he does it but it's really hard to find him. I have no idea where he ran off to.

He's good at hiding ...too good. Even the police can't find him, and this time they are really trying.

I have been looking for him and my princess every night as Chat Noir, every single night.

Honestly I'm getting tired of looking and finding nothing. But even if I don't find her that doesn't mean I'm giving up, eventually I will free her and we'll be together again.

I signed sitting in bed, I looked so hard for her those past few days that I forgot to eat and sleep.

My father is forcing me to sleep at least a few hours before looking for my wife again.

"How are you holding up kid?" Plagg asked sitting next to me on a pillow, Marinette's pillow.

"Pretty hard as you can see Plagg" i said looking at the ceiling, even if I'm tired i can't sleep, the guilt won't let me.

"Will find her Adrien, we have to..." Tikki said flying next to Plagg.

Tikki was so quiet ever since Marinette got kidnapped, she was always sleep or in the miracle box.

The little kwamii of creation is missing her owner so much and there is nothing I can do.

I can only give her some cookies every now and then to cheer her up but it doesn't really work.

I never thought that Tikki will miss  Marinette that much...

I sighed, turning in bed, the kwamiis of destruction and creation kept quiet.

I hate staying in the house, it's always quiet and reminds me of the mansion after my mother died.

I horrible thought went through my mind...what if she's dead.

I sat up in bed abruptly, what if she's dead, buried somewhere...


It can't be... But that would explain why we can't find her...

I feel nauseous, I immediately got out of bed and ran to the bathroom to throw up.

The thought of my wife being dead is....too much for me.

I threw up only water since I haven't been eating.

She's not dead...she just can't be...

I got up and brushed my teeth, the only thought I have in mind is that she's dead.

The tears in my eyes started rolling down my cheeks.

The idea of Marinette being dead sounds very possible...

I don't know what Xiu is possible of...and it scares me... suddenly memories of the dead premature baby came back to me.

I the thought of that baby, it was pale, almost blue and it somehow looked so much like Marinette.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now