Chapter 16

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~Adrien's POV ~

I miss her...i start to miss her more and more everyday...

Another week had passed and still... Marinette is no where to be found.

As expected the police is no help and they said that if they don't find Marinette until the month ends they will put the case on hold...

That's just great... I'm no longer able to sleep at all, I became so worried that I can't even close my eyes.

I'm currently in my lady's office, looking for something, anything.

But I can't find anything at all... For the first time since my princess went missing I actually feel defeated...

I don't know where she is, I don't know who took her, I don't know if she's even alive...

But I can feel it that she's alive...i just need to look harder for her...

I just know it that someday I'll find her ...

I sat on the couch that was in her office, I'm tired from all this lack of sleep and stress.

I just want to find her and bring her home. She went through so much...i bet she's suffering a lot...i want to give her a hug and tell her that everything will be ok...but I can't..she's not here.

"You look horrible kid" Plagg said coming out of my jacket and sat on my head, purring silently.

"I'm so worried about her Plagg i just don't know what to do anymore" i said with tears in my eyes.

"I know kid, I know. I'm worried about her too..." He said flying in front of my face.

Plagg had been really nice to me, he understands what I'm going through, he might be the only one that understands.

He had been very supportive and understanding, he hasn't been complaining at all since Marinette was kidnapped.

My kwamii was right there by my side, ready to comfort me and do everything in his power to make me feel better.

It doesn't sound like Plagg at all but it is him, I was actually surprised at first but now, know that he's right here by my side, understanding me and comforting me every day which means a lot.

I don't know what I'll do without my camembert lover by my side.

The kwamii of destruction hugged my cheek, seeing how destroyed I was on the inside.

It felt nice...

But all of this was cut short when Plagg suddenly hid in my jacket.

Someone must be coming....

I looked at the door to see who dares to enter my lost wife's office.

When the door opened and I saw who entered i was shocked, i wasn't expecting him to come in here...

Xiu entered the room but stopped on his track when he saw me on the couch, he looked even more shocked them me.

"Good morning Adrien" he said with a friendly smile.

"Morning...I'm sorry but what are you doing in here?" I said standing up.

I just don't understand what business he has in Marinette's office.

"..... I saw you enter her office but I didn't saw you come out so I got worried for my friend. I thought maybe something may have happened to you so I wanted to make sure you're alright." Xiu said smiling at me. What a great guy.

"Thanks, I'm fine" I said sitting back on the couch and he sat right next to me.

"How are you holding up? I bet you miss her a lot" he said looking worried.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now