Chapter 12

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~Marinette's POV~

I woke up in the morning, or at least I think it's morning. Since I don't have a window it's really hard to tell if it's day or night.

I barely slept... I kept waking up. At first I thought that all of this is a bad dream, a nightmare but I was wrong...

This is real....i really was kidnapped and there is no way out of here.

I just have to pray that Adrien will find me soon enough.

My bruises and cuts hurt very bad too. I can barely move because of them, the ones on my back what were make with the whip hurts the most.

I sighed sitting up on the mattress and looked around the room, there is nothing to do in here, just sleep and sit on my bed...

I miss everyone... I wish I was home...

I suddenly heard the door unlocking. I inhale sharply, he's back...

"Good morning my love" he said and I cringed at that, that's how Adrien used to call me...

I don't like him using those words on me but I'm afraid to say something, i don't want to make him mad again.

"How are you?" He asked sitting right beside me on the bed and putted a hand on my leg.

"..good.." i said in a small voice, looking away, trying not to cry.

"How was your sleep, have you slept well?" He asked putting his hand on my cheek and started rubbing it gently.

Now I'm afraid, I don't know what to answer. If I say yes he'll be happy but I'm afraid he'll do something to me if I say yes and if I say no he'll definitely do something worse to me.

So I remained quiet still avoiding eye contact.

When he saw that I am not answering he quickly slapped the back of my head.

" Have you slept well?" He asked with anger in his tone.

I don't want to anger him even more so I'll just answer his stupid questions and hopefully he won't do anything bad to me.

"It was g-good" I said stuttering. Trying not to make any sudden moves.

"That's good to hear, I'm glad you like it here. But don't worry when you'll warm up to me a little more and I'll be sure that you aren't trying to escape you'll be able to sleep together with me, in the same bed. That's a dream come true" he said putting his arm around my shoulder and sighing dreamily.

"Are you hungry? I bet you are. I'll be right back with your breakfast" he said kissing my cheek, once he left I started shaking.

He kissed my cheek!

I took some of the blanket and started rubbing the cheek he kissed.

I hate it here, I wanna go home! I can't stand this guy!

I wiped my cheek until it started to hurt. But i still feel his dirty lips on my cheek.

When he returned I stopped my movement.

I looked at him in confusion, he returned with a plate of food, it wasn't breakfast food but rather dinner food, a chair, chair, a tube and a camera.

That...that doesn't look good.

"There" he said shutting the door and locked it.

" Get undress" he said positioning the camera.

"W-what..?" I said in disbelief, is he going to rape me on camera or kill me on camera? I'm scared.

Save me! ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now